build something/someone up
To praise someone or something in a way that will increase expectations of them
to fix bricks firmly in place and to make relationships more solid
to come up against a brick wall
to meet a barrier
to suggest a limit to something
glass ceiling
to refer to an invisible barrier that stops people from rising to top positions at work
the roof fell in on my world
My world collapsed
floor can give way
when you faint
go through the roof
increase significantly
hit the roof
to get very angry
an opening
window of opportunity
a chance to do something special
goes out of the window
it departs
lives in an ivory tower
conveys an idea of distance from ordinary people
tower of strength
extremely strong (in an emotional rather than a physical sense)
towers above
outstandingly tall or outstanding in some other positive way
be a gateway to
give an opportunity to get somewhere
closed/shut doors
metaphorically used, stops a certain opportunity from being possible
opens doors
enables a opportunity
through/by the back door
doing it unofficially
by the back door
in an indirect or unfair way, or in a way that is not typical
behind closed doors
in private, not in public
provide/hold the key to
suggests the importance of something
the key to success
the most important thing that will help you achieve success