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Bubalus pd. Rock engravings of giraffes and elephant. 8000 BC. Libya, Fezzan Region
Bubalus period
10,000 BC - 7,000 BC (Libya); images are engraved, painted, or pecked lines into rock and less common; humans appear; large image
Camel pd. 'Camel’ and ‘ Tuaregs mounted on camels’. Tasili, Algeria. 5000 BC?
Cattle Period
5000 - 2000 BC (Sahara); pastoral lifestyle, smaller images (18’ diameter) and less detailed
Bubalus characteristics
humans are round headed and faceless; later evolve to have masks
Nok. ‘Human Heads’. Terracotta. Nigeria, 500 BC - 600 CE
Igbo Ukwu. ‘Cast Shell Vessel’. Nigeria, 9-10th c. Bronze. Skeuomorph
Ife. ‘Staff of Oranmiyan’. Nigeria, 11-15th c. Granite gneiss with iron nails
Ife. ‘Inner head (Ori inu)’. Nigeria, 11-15th c. terracotta.
Ife. ‘Outer head (Ori ode)’. Nigeria, 11-15th c. Terracotta
Benin art
Subjects of mythology and historical persons
Benin elephant symb.
King; size and unpredictable nature
Benin lion symb.
King; king of the jungle
Benin leopard symb.
King; king of jungle
Benin chameleon symb.
King; ability to change at will
Benin rooster symb.
King; creation of earth; connected to Oba lineage
Benin mudfish symb.
King; lives in two realms; connected to Olokun (god of sea); wealth
Benin rooster creation story
First animal let loose upon waters of the earth; scratched earth into the body of a gourd and formed the lnd base of the world
Benin; spanish manila bronze bracelet
Benin. ‘King flanked by two attendants.’ 16th cent. Bronze manila. Royal propaganda depicting court life; inspired by bible?
Benin. ‘Hen style Queen Mother memorial head.’ Nigeria, 16th c. OG Iyoba Idia, motehr of Oba Esigie
Benin. ‘Ivory hip mask pendant of Queen Mother.’ 16th c. Life sized. Alternating Portugese soldier and mudfish hairstyle
Benin first Oba
Oba Eweka; ancestor of future Obas; Overpowered Olokun, taking her wealth and powers
Yoruba. ‘Opon ifa (divination board)’. Nigeria, 19-20th c. Contact Orunmila through Eshu, the messanger (shown at top); 256 poss. outcomes
Yoruba Babalow
Diviner that helps peoples discover their fates; Uses opon ifa and iroke.
Yoruba. ‘Iroke (divination tapper).’ Nigeria. Ivory
Yoruba naked woman motif
Naked, the state which we are born in; most powerful prayers and curses are done in the nude.
Yoruba. ‘Dance wand in form of Shango.’ Nigeria, 19-20th c. Two double-handed axes — in hand and hairstyle (inner and outer head?)
Yoruba’s 4th king of Oyo; tried to rule underworld, committed suicide; popular personal deity of women, acting as a husband.
Shango dedication ritual
Hair shaved, small cuts made into head that medicine is rubbed into to help Shango possess the devotee and communicate
Yoruba. ‘Ere Ibeji on an altar.’ Nigeria, 20th c. Erected after twin dies; treated as if they are living, not neglected
Dogon. ‘Carved granary door and lock.’ Mali, 19th c. Stored millet; Granary of high-ranked priests are multi-leveled; Carvings of OG 44 families who migrated
Dogon migration
1100 CE: migrated from southern Mali to central Mali; 44 familied migrated from the Niger River cliffs
Yoruba high ranking priest
Dogon. ‘Men’s toguna.’ Mali, 20th c. Mens houses. Held up by 8 poles and has 8 layers of thatching (8 Nommo)
Bamana. ‘N’domo society mask.’ Mali, 19-20th c. Gendered male (4-8 horns)
Bamana. ‘N’domo wooden mask with cowrie shell and beads.’ Mali, 19-20th c. Male. Horns symb. amount of power related to supernatural mask.
N’domo society
Bamana age-grade society; teaches individuals proper activities and beliefs for each stage of life
Bamana. ‘Chi Wara headdress masks (female and male).’ Mali, 19-20th c. Vertical style (pairs)
Chi Wara society
Bamana, agriculturally centered; named after antelope;
Bamana. ‘Horizontal Chi Wara headdress.’ Mali, 19-20th c. Usually shown with another animal, bird or monkey. Paired
Bamana. ‘Abstract Chi Wara headdress mask.’ Mali, 19-20th c. Singular. Balance of neg./pos. space
Bamana. ‘Komo society mask.’ Mali, n.d. Animal horns, quills, wood, encrustation. Mask power to punish those violating rules; only worn/seen by Komo society
Komo society/association
Bamana; members harness Nyama power - aid those who need assistance
Senufo. ‘ Champion cultivator staff finial of a seated female figure.’ Ivory Coast, 19-20th c. Staffs are symbols of power and order; given to winner of all-day hoeing contest
Asante. ‘Bronze weights for gold dust (abrammoo)'.’ Based on proverbs?
Asante. ‘Container for gold dust (kuduo).’
Asante. ‘Linguists staffs (Mpoma).’ Ghana, 20th c, wood and gold leaf. Figure at top converys certain message, connects to historical proverbs.
‘Ananse poma.’ Ananse = spider, symbol of the linguist and wisdom
‘Sankofa poma.’ Sankofa = past serving as guide for future; learn from past
Asante. ‘Asantehene w/ golden stool.’ Ghana, 20th c. Wood, gold leaf, studded nails. King’s responsibility to preserve the stool; no one sits on it
Asante gold
Unify the kingdon; a live metal connecting the people to the earth
Osei Tutu
The first Asantehene, establishing the Asante nation. 1702 = Asante Confederacy
Asante. ‘Hwedomtia.’ 20th c. Seat for the golden stool (adwa) (member of the royal court).
Baule. ‘Spirit figures (contemporary and traditional style).’ Ivory Coast, 20th c., wood and pigment. Use of figure determines what kind of spirit it is; well kept on shrines by owner, helps owner w/ problems
Baule spirit houses
Blolo bian = male spirit house; Blolo bla = female spirit house
Baule bush spirits
Asie usu; shrines are strictly private
Waka sran
Any Baule wooden sculpture
Mende. ‘Soweii masks.’ Sierra Leone, 20th c. Hairstyle is most prominent feature (orderly, civilized, cooporation); forehead = wisdom, neck rings = fertility and good health
Soweii masks
Used by elders and leaders; similar to N’doli Joweii minus white cloth; feminine beauty ideals; Hale (spirit) inhabits mask
Mende powerful spirit linking to ancestral beings; dwells in river
Mende idea that beauty and strong moral character are inseparable
Mende. ‘N’doli Joweii masks.’ Sierra Leone, 20th c. 1 of 3 significant figs. taking part in Sande initiation; distinguished by white cloth
Sande ceremony
Mende women in charge of masquerade ceremony, up until 80s.
Poro ceremony
Mende mens initiation; comparable to Sande
Sande ideals
Young women facing puberty get clitoridectomy and labiadectomy (get rid of male-ness); foreshadows pain of childbirth; promote social harmony through female wisdom, grace, and self-control; polygamous relationships
Mende. ‘Gonde Masks.’ Sierra Leone, 20th c. Made of old, dirty, or cracked Sande masks; antithesis of Sande people (even perfection can have a downfall); dances loud, clumsily (how NOT to behave)
Horse period
2000 BC - 1000 CE; Chariot and horseman sub-period; Avg. 10’ diameter; changes in technology w/ intro. of horses and chariots; encounters and skirmishes
Rock arts
collective process of object, maker, and intent; not just self-expression; mediates relationships
Saharan rock art
Maority of rock art found in Northern Saharan pd; green, pastoral lifestyle with grazing animals
Oldest Saharan subjects
Elephants, rhinos, and hippos
Pastoral Saharan subjects
Introduction of horse, sheep, cattle, and camels
Camel period
Post 700 CE; principle animal in the Sahara (also ostriches, gazelles, goats); carry spears, swords, and firearms
3 different sculpture periods
Nok, Igbo Ukwu, and Ife
Nok art
500BC - 600CE; importance of head (soul); kindred symb. (certain animals = certain peope); make intangible things, tangible; least info; terracotta
Igbo Ukwu
9-10th c. Nri people in cultural communities and independent cities loosely bound by chiefs; ancestors of contemp. Igbo ppls; bronze ritual goods
Ife art
11-15th c. Ancestors of Ife, relations to Yoruba; art for royalty (terracotta and bronze heads); Ile Ife primary city
Ife Developmental periods
Archaic (800CE); Pre-Pavement (800-1000CE); Pavement (11-19th c.)
Ife creator god
Ife god directly responsible for introducing metalworking
Ife bronze objects
made with lost-wax technique
Olorun (Benin)
Benin creator god (m or f), resides in sky
Benin creator goddess (bisexual/bigendered), resides in water
Benin creator of earth; son of Olorun and Olokun
Punitive Expedition
1400s? Vice Consul Phillips (explorer) had Britain invade with naval force after being denied entrance to kingdom (important spiritual ceremony); took most bronze arts
Benin iron
Rep. kingship and royal power; relationship to supernaturals
Benin death assoc.
Mudfish, white, and ocean
Olorun Yoruba
Yoruba all-knowing supreme being
Yoruba; fate and order, choses destiny
Yoruba; messenger to the gods; at crossroads/marketplaces; chance, violence, uncertainty, trickster (m or f)
Yoruba; primordial deity; healing; works with women and witchcraft
Yoruba king of Oyo; assoc. w/ thunder/lightning, axes
Assoc. w/ Olokun because they introduced metal and were pale; god-like qualities
Dogon arts
Mali; specific myths and gods; primordial ancestors; historical evenst being mythologized
Dogon male creator; had sex with the earth and produced the 8 Nommo
Dogon Great Mask
Only Dogon mask not discarded after use
Southwestern Mali; unsure exact origin
Kore society
Bamana; society focused on agriculture and agricultural events (rain, civilization)
Kore Lion
Top group; most powerful, hunts alone
Kore Monkey
Second group; most human-like