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The twelve men chosen by Jesus to be his closest followers and to be a central role during his ministry
A sacrament that celebrates a persons initiation into the church, the forgiveness of sins, and the conversion to a new life in Christ
A follower of Jesus' teachings, Latin for "pupil" or "follower"
A moment of divine revelation or manifestation, particularly when God or a divine truth is revealed to humanity
A long list of a family line
Infancy Narrative
Stories about the birth of Jesus and his early life
Non-Jewish members of the priestly caste of the Persians, serving as chaplains to and representatives of the royalty
A prayer created by Mary in which she has a beautiful response to the realization that she is to bear a special son.
Repentance; "change of mind" or "repentance", also means to turn to the right path
When John speaks the origins of Jesus and the nature of his ministry in a complex, poetic way that preludes to his gospel
A scribe who taught in a synagogue; meant "master" or "teacher"
Two Standards of St. Ignatius
Meditations from the Spritual Exercises; Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Satan
Significance of Mary
She accepted the Holy Spirit and birthed our Lord Jesus Christ
Significance of Joseph
Acted as the Earthly Father to Jesus
Significance of Elizabeth
She gave birth to John the Baptist
Significance of Zechariah
Was the father of John the Baptist and received a divine message announcing the birth of John the Baptist.
A righteous man who prophesied about Jesus at the temple, recognizing him as the Messiah, believing that he will not die until he sees him
Significance of Herod the Great
He slaughtered many children in hopes of killing Jesus
Significance of John the Baptist
Baptizes Jesus in the Jordan River
Significance of Anna
When Anna saw Jesus she proclaimed she praises God and preaches to all who are waiting for Redemption
Matthew (Infancy Narratives)
He writes to a Jewish audience; genealogy, Magi, Herod and the slaughter, Flee to Egypt, and return to Nazareth
Luke (Infancy Narratives)
He writes to a Gentile audience; time of chaser Augustus, birth of John the Baptist, born in stable, shepherds
Three Temptations of Jesus
Turning stone into bread (pleasure), Throw himself down to see if God will save him (Power), Mt.; sees all of the kingdoms in their glory (wealth and honor)
Development of Trinitarian theology through the baptism of Jesus
At Jesus' baptism, all three persons of the Trinity are present: The Son (Jesus) who is getting baptized, The Spirit, who came down upon Him like a dove, and The Father's voice which speaks from heaven 'This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased.'
The divine word and the preexisting and eternal Son of God, who becomes incarnate in Jesus Christ; John
An Aramaic word that is an intimate way of saying “Father;” equivalent to Dad or Daddy
Kingdom of God
Jesus’ ideal image of God reigning over all of his people
A theological perspective that emphasizes strict adherence to laws or rules, often at the expense of grace and faith.
The Jewish sense of separation from all other cultures lead them to believe that to love your neighbor referred to other Jews
An image or scene of the birth of Jesus Christ
Reign of God
The concept of God’s sovereign rule over all the nations
Reign of Sin
The condition in which sins guides our behavior and decisions
Personal, freely chosen actions that have negative effects on the sinners as individuals and on their relationships with others
What was the significance of Peter?
Peter is of primary significance because of the leadership role he played in the early community of faith, a role that leads Catholics to identify him as the first pope
Explain the nature of Jesus’ relationship with God such that he invites us to call God “Father”
Jesus shattered Jewish belief and practice by taking the incredible position of referring to God as Father or Abba, teaching them about God’s relationship with all people
Explain how Jesus was similar to the rabbis of his time
Jesus became a wandering teacher similar to the rabbis, teachers of the law, who went around preaching
Explain how Jesus was different from the rabbis of his time
Jesus proclaimed the KoG by claiming that he would establish and embody the KoG, claimed himself as the sole judge of truth and what he taught, and called his disciples instead of choosing them
Explain how Jesus’ life and teaching was different from the Jewish expectation of the Messiah
The Jews expected the messiah to come as a military ruler that lead the expulsion of the Romans; however, Jesus rejected the notion of him being a political leader and was opposed to any violence and preaching of certain people
Explain the teaching of Jesus on the Kingdom of God
Jesus had a vision of an ideal future, which was the KoG and many of his stories and parables revealed this future
Compare and Contrast the Two Standards, drawing connection to Jesus’ teaching on God’s kingdom
The KoG explained that we have to lose the material goods to become closer to God and the KoS explained that we should go for the material goods in exchange with your relationship with God
Explain how nationalism and legalism were barriers then and now to an understanding of Jesus’ call to love
Legalism oppressed the Jews and made it too legalistic and nationalism separated the Jews from society and led them to only loving each other