group of computer systems and hardware linked together
Local Network Area
covers a local area
based on Ethernet - set of protocols for exchanging data
devices can use a single Internet connection, share files with one another, print to shared printers, and be accessed and even controlled by one another
Wide Area Network
covers an area composed of LANs
popular WAN is Internet
enables a user or organization to connect with the world very easily and allows to exchange data and do business at global level
Virtual Local Area Network
a logical group of workstations, servers, network devices (same as LAN)
creates a stimulated environment
improves performance
tightens security
eases administration
Storage Area Network
secures high-speed data transfer network
accessible to multiple servers
appear as attached drives
introduces networking flexibility that enables one server, or many heterogeneous servers across multiple data centers, to share a common storage utility
Wireless Local Area Network
wireless method of distributing data between devices
allows users to move around
often called Wi-Fi network (can include other)
increases productivity and provide convenience
globally connected network system
controlled private network
a private part of a website
Virtual Private Network
allows establishment of an encrypted remote connection between two computers or networks
Personal Area Network
covers a very small area
examples: Bluetooth, USB
network model in which exchange of files happens
OSI model for communication over networks
» Open Systems Interconnection (theoretical)
physical layer - transmitting and receiving raw bitstream over a physical medium
data link layer - reliable transfer of data on a network (responsible for errors)
network layer - routing data between networks
transport layer - communication between applications on different hosts
session layer - manages the dialogue between applications
application layer - provides application services to users
transmission media
» UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair)
quite reliable
low cost per meter
speed: 100Mbps - 1Gbps
» fiber-optic
very secure
not reliable
costly per meter
speed: 5-100G
» radio waves
very unsecure
quite reliable
speed: 5-200Mbps
wireless networks
» Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)
used in laptops
slow data transmission
backwards compatible
small transmitting radius
large distance
high speed internet access
» 3G (Third Generation)
primary way for mobile phones