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What does FCCLA stand for?
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America.
Who is FCCLA for?
All students enrolled in a Family and Consumer Sciences class.
What is FCCLA's central focus?
The family.
When was FCCLA founded?
June 11, 1945 in Chicago, Illinois
How many National Executive Council members are there?
What does STAR stand for?
Students Taking Action with Recognition
What is the official magazine of FCCLA and when was it first published?
Teen Times; 1945
When is National FCCLA week?
2nd week in February.
Name at least four of the national programs.
Career Connection
Families First
Financial Fitness
Community Service
Power of one
Stop the Violence
Student Body
What is the FCCLA motto?
Toward New Horizons
What are the FCCLA colors?
red and white
What is the FCCLA flower and what does it represent?
The red rose represents the organization because it gives joy through its beauty and fragrance. It symbolizes a desire for beauty in everyday living.
What is the FCCLA tagline?
FCCLA: The Ultimate Leadership Experience
What was FCCLA formerly known as?
Future Homemakers of America (FHA)
Where are FCCLA headquarters?
1910 Association Drive, Reston, Virginia
What is the planning process?
A simple 5-step method to help chapter members and advisers plan individual, group, or chapter projects and activities
What are the steps of the planning process?
Identify Concerns
Set a Goal
Form a Plan
Follow Up
What is the FCCLA mission statement?
To promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education. Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner and community leader, members develop skills for life through: character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.
When did FHA change to FCCLA?
What is the FCCLA creed?
We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. We face the future with warm courage and high hope. For we have the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious values. For we are the builders of homes, homes for America's future, homes where living will be the expression of everything that is good and fair, homes where truth and love and security and faith will be realities, not dreams. We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. We face the future with warm courage and high hope.
How many FCCLA purposes are there?
What is FCCLA directly related to?
FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences) education
What is the FCCLA website?
What are bylaws?
Bylaws are the rules adopted by an organization for governing its activities.
What is STOP the Violence?
A peer-to-peer outreach initiative that empowers young people to recognize, report, and reduce the potential for youth violence.
What is the first purpose of FCCLA?
To provide opportunities for personal development and preparation for adult life.
What is the second purpose?
To strengthen the function of the family as a basic unit of society
What is the third purpose?
To encourage democracy through cooperative action in the home and community
What is the fourth purpose?
To encourage individual and group involvement in helping achieve global cooperation and harmony
What is the fifth purpose?
To promote greater understanding between youth and adults
What is the sixth purpose?
To provide opportunities for making decisions and for assuming responsibilities.
What is the seventh purpose?
To prepare for the multiple roles of men and women in today's society
What is the eighth purpose?
To promote Family and Consumer Sciences and related occupations
What are the 4 National FCCLA regions?
North Atlantic
Oklahoma is located in which region?
How much are national dues?
$9.00 per person
How much are State dues?
$5.00 per person
When and where was the first national convention of FCCLA held?
July 1948 in Kansas City, Missouri
What year did the first rookie camp take place?
What city did the first FCCLA Cluster meeting take place?
Dallas, Texas
Who was the first National adviser?
Dr. Hazel Frost
Where should the FCCLA pins be worn?
over the heart
Where should the FCCLA emblem be worn?
Over the heart or on a jacket pocket.
How is FCCLA financed?
FCCLA is a nonprofit organization funded primarily by membership dues.
What are the 52 state associations?
All 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
How many regions are in Oklahoma?
Where is the Oklahoma state FCCLA office located?
Stillwater, Oklahoma
How many issues of Teen Times are published each year?
4 (September, November, January, and March)
Who is eligible for Alumni and Associates Memberships?
Former FCCLA, FHA, NHA, HERO members and individuals who share the goals and purposes of FCCLA.
approximately how many students are members of Oklahoma FCCLA?
More than 12,000 students in 392 local chapters.
What are the Oklahoma only STAR events?
New Member FACS
Creed Speaking
Culinary Grill
Cake Decorating
Work Readiness events
What year did STAR events begin in?
When and where was the name of the organization changed to FCCLA?
July 1999 in Boston, Massachusetts
Who is the current executive director of FCCLA?
Sandy Spavone
Name the 4 kinds of membership in FCCLA.
What are the 3 methods of voting?
Voice votes
roll call
What is affiliation?
The process of formally joining FCCLA by paying membership dues.
Who is eligible to use the names and emblem "Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America" and "FCCLA"?
Only affiliated (due paying) members and chapters.
What is the meaning of STOP?
Students Taking on Prevention
What are the 5 basic components of an FCCLA chapter?
What is the role of the chapter president?
Presides over the class during project selection and planning.
Appoints committees or members for specific jobs related to projects.
Serves on the chapter executive council, if one exists.
What is the role of the chapter vice-president?
Assists the president in overseeing the work of project committees.
Fills in when the president is absent.
What is the role of the chapter secretary?
Maintains written minutes of the decisions related to projects and activities.
Works with president to complete a written Planning Process worksheet to be posted for member review.
What is the role of the chapter treasurer?
Collects and records all fundraising monies and dues.
Maintains written records and receipts for all funds spent on chapter projects.
What is the purpose of the Oklahoma STAR chapters program?
To give recognition to those chapters whose membership represents significant percentage of the entire family and consumer sciences education program enrollment.