US v Lopez
Man brought gun into school, Gun Free School Zones Act
Commerce Clause
Wisconsin v Yoder
Amish didn’t want their kids to go to school past 8th grade
Free Exercise Clause
Freedom of Religion
Marbury v Madison
Madison refused to give Marbury his commission
Judicial Review
Schenck v US
Schenck wanted people to resist draft for WW1
Freedom of Speech
McDonald v Chicago
Chicago made it impossible to buy handguns
2nd Amendment
McCulloch v Maryland
Maryland was taxing a national bank
Supremacy Clause
Tinker v Des Moines
Black armbands to protest Vietnam War at school
Symbolic Speech
Freedom of Speech
Brown v Board of Education
Segregation in schools
Equal Protection Clause
Pentagon papers were given to NYT, Gov tried to prohibit
Freedom of Press
Shaw v Reno
Racial gerrymandering
Equal Protection Clause
Baker v Carr
Apportionment due to favoring Republican party, Equal congressional districts
Equal Protection Clause
Citizens United v FEC
Made a documentary about Hillary Clinton against her
Freedom of Speech
Engel v Vitale
Prayer at School
Establishment Clause
Freedom of Religion
Gideon v Wainwright
State wouldn’t give him an attorney
6th Amendment