psychology final

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Consider a class that has multiple easy assignments with no deadlines and a teacher who gives everyone an A. According to the optimal arousal theory, you would likely feel too...

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Consider a class that has multiple easy assignments with no deadlines and a teacher who gives everyone an A. According to the optimal arousal theory, you would likely feel too...

bored to do well because the class's arousal levels are too low.

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The __________ is a part of the brain that is in charge of many basic physiological drives, such as hunger and thirst.


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According to multidimensional scaling, alertness would be considered...

high arousal but neither positive nor negative.

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You're walking along a path in the jungle when you come across a tiger. According to the __________ theory of emotion, you appraise the situation at the same time as you experience a physiological response. Combined, these two factors cause you to feel afraid of the tiger.


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Consider a class in which your grade depends entirely on one difficult final exam with a teacher who grades harshly. According to the optimal arousal theory, you would likely feel too...

Stressed to do well because the class's arousal levels are too high

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In men, there are clear associations between higher __________ levels and a higher motivation to engage in sexual behavior.


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According to the text, low reactivity in the __________ is associated with an antisocial personality disorder.


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You see a baby bird fall out of its nest. According to the __________ theory of emotion, you begin to cry, which makes you feel sad.


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According to Abraham Maslow, respect from others falls under which need?


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If the __________ were damaged, you’d likely keep eating until your stomach couldn’t stretch anymore.

ventromedial hypothalamus

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Mirror neurons are thought to contribute to feelings of…


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Your friend tells you a funny joke. According to the __________ theory of emotion, the joke makes you laugh and feel happy at the same time.


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When we perceive and interact with our environment, we experience a certain type of experience. Which of the following best describes this type of experience?

online bubbles of experience

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Which is not a type of mindfulness-based intervention that integrates mindfulness techniques?

re-perceiving meditation

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What is the main difference between the REM and NREM phases of sleep?

REM sleep is a period of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements under closed eyelids. NREM sleep is a period of sleep outside of REM sleep.

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Which scenario displays an altered state of consciousness of heightened awareness?

jumping out of a plane

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Consciousness describes our awareness of internal and external stimuli. Choose the correct statement.

Awareness of internal stimuli includes hunger, awareness of thoughts and emotions, or feeling pain. Awareness of external stimuli includes seeing sunlight or hearing sounds.

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What is the main difference between mindfulness meditation and transcendental meditation?

Mindfulness meditation focuses on thoughts related to being in the present moment, and transcendental meditation focuses on transcending one’s thoughts past the present moment.

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According to Freud, what are two types of content found within dreams?

latent content and manifest content

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Which of the following is not a significant adverse consequence of continued use of a substance for more than what is intended?

None of these

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A woman’s menstrual cycle is an example of what type of internal, bodily rhythm?

biological rhythm

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Which of the following is a component of transcendental meditation?

transcendental meditation focuses on transcending one’s thoughts past the present moment

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Which of the following researchers believed that lucid dreams are an opportunity to better understand dreaming?

John Hobson

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Hallucinogens, stimulants, and depressants are drug classes that fall under what type of drug category?

psychoactive drugs

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Hans Selye is one of two important figures who studied the physiological impact of stress on the body. He conducted an experiment to study sex hormones in rats with surprising results. What did Selye’s experiment reveal about the body in terms of stress?

It revealed that stressors trigger harmful physiological reactions in the body due to constant exposure to stress.

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Negative affectivity does not refer to…


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What does the goal setting acronym SMART stand for?

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Oriented

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Which concept is a behavior that occurs when people or animals endure repeated painful events that feel out of their control?

learned helplessness

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A 60-year-old man is sitting at home, watching his favorite TV show. All of a sudden, he feels pressure against his chest and starts feeling lightheaded. His breath becomes short, and he is sweating. What is he experiencing?

a sudden heart attack

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Decreased emotional well-being is related to what mental health concerns?

All of these

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Imagine an experiment where researchers gave out three math tests rigged to ensure that each person failed each one. Surveys were taken after each test to see how the test takers felt. The surveys showed that most of the test takers felt they should give up on the test because they did not feel smart enough to pass another test. Who initiated a similar experiment?

Martin Seligman

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In response to stress, the body’s sympathetic nervous system is activated and releases stress hormones to prepare your body for action. What is that response called?

fight-or-flight response

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Which is not part of the SMART acronym?


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Which of these theorists was a trait theorist?


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John accidentally tripped his sister when they were little, resulting in his sister falling face-first into a cake. John felt terrible about this for years when he was growing up, but if you ask John about it now, he says that he doesn’t remember it at all. Which defense mechanism is John portraying here?


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Jenny is a 24-year-old woman who enjoys yelling at others and manipulating them to do what she wants. She was a bully in high school and has retained most of those bullying behaviors even now. Jenny displays these behaviors because she finds that it is the best way for her to deal with her emotions and the stress of everyday life, even though those around her tend to suffer from her selfish behaviors. Which coping style does Jenny seem to display?

moving against people

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_________ refer(s) to anything we do that may be rewarded or punished.


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According to the Eysencks’ theory, people who score high on neuroticism tend to be…


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Which part of the unconscious uses morality when making decisions?


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At what age does an individual experience the “identity vs. confusion” stage of Erikson’s eight developmental stages?


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__________ refer(s) to all characteristics previously learned, including beliefs, expectations, and personality characteristics.

cognitive processes

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According to the two-factor model created by Hans and Sybil Eysenck, if someone is introverted and has stable emotions, which word would best describe them?


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Which theory did Freud develop?


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Which part of the mind does Freud equate to being just the tip of the iceberg?


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Which of these theorists studied the effects of birth order on an individual?

Alfred Adler

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The Bobo Doll experiment, conducted by Albert Bandura, was a key factor in developing the concept of _____________.

observational learning

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By the time Gordon Allport had created his final list of personality traits, he had about __________ words.


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According to the actor-observer bias, we have more information about ____________.

influences on our own behavior

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Which of the following statements demonstrates a stereotype?

New England Patriot fans are arrogant and obnoxious

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Which of the following scenarios demonstrates severity of initiation?

you go through four interview cycles to get the job you want and find you love it more than you expected

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Conformity to group norms is driven by two motivations: the desire to fit in and be liked and the desire to be accurate and gain information from the group. This statement refers to which two phenomena?

normative social influence, informational social influence

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Which of the following adolescents is least likely to be targeted for bullying?

the captain of the football team

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On his first day of soccer practice, Jose suits up in a t-shirt, shorts, and cleats and runs out to the field to join his teammates. Jose’s behavior is reflective of…

a script

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Which of the following statements demonstrates prejudice?

I hate New England Patriots fans; they make me angry

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Which item below is not one of the three aspects of a persuasive message that Hovland identified as important?


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If performance improves when an audience is watching versus when an individual performs the behavior alone, then __________ has occurred.

social facilitation

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When it comes to buying clothes, teenagers often follow social norms. This is likely motivated by…

fitting in

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Prejudice is to __________ as discrimination is to __________.

feelings; behavior

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Which of the following should you do when creating a persuasive message?

All of these

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What is the role of a confederate in an experiment?

They are informed participants in the study.

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Why is proper diagnosis of a psychological disorder essential?

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A child's mother repeatedly says she hates snakes because of how disgusting and dangerous they are. The child encounters a snake in the backyard, which reflexively elicits a fear response. What type of learned pathway does this scenario describe?

verbal transmission of information

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Erica is adopted. Her biological mother had schizophrenia. In what situation is Erica most likely to develop schizophrenia?

if Erica was raised in a disturbed adoptive home environment

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If a person is excessively overdramatic, emotional, and theatrical, they most likely have which personality disorder?


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The process of closing large asylums and providing for people to stay in their communities to be treated locally was known as…


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In what situation would patterns of inner experience and behavior reflect the presence of a psychological disorder?

when patterns of inner experience and behavior lead to significant distress and impairment in one's life

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In order for someone to be diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, how long must symptoms occur?

most days for at least six months

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Keith believes the FBI has planted secret cameras in his apartment to watch his every action. What is Keith’s false belief an example of?

a delusion

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Antisocial personality disorder is often associated with…

emotional deficits

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In the 19th century, the mentally ill were often forced to live in __________, where they would receive poor treatment for the rest of their lives.


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What are the two most well-known classification systems used to organize psychological disorders?

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; International Classification of Diseases

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Asking questions to redirect a person's focus away from oneself, sitting in the back of the room, and taking on roles that do not rely on socializing are which type of behaviors?

safety behaviors

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Which of the following symptoms of psychotic disorders does a complete lack of movement and verbal behavior fall under?

abnormal motor behavior

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If a person avoids occupations that involve interpersonal contact because of fear of criticism or rejection, these could be signs of which type of which personality disorder?


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If Jenny visits her doctor because she is feeling depressed and would like to seek treatment for her depression, this is __________ treatment.


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