Something to keep in mind: This exam topic sports the fewest questions if you are taking the NCE and constitutes the most difficult section for those taking the CPCE. Your experience, or as it has become popular to say on web user groups—your mileage—may vary!
America has been called the most diverse country on the face of our planet. Counseling a client from a different social and/or cultural background is known as…
all of the above.
Culture refers to…
all of the above.
Our culture is more diverse than in the past. Multicultural counselors often work with persons who are culturally different. This means the client…
belongs to a different culture from the helper.
In order to diagnose clients from a different culture…
the counselor ideally will need some information regarding the specifics of the culture.
Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD)
ACA division that is intended to raise cultural, racial, and ethnic understanding and empathy.
Cultural Pluralism
The term used to suggest that a minority cultural group will keep their own unique cultural values, yet they still participate in the wider or dominant culture.
Culture Conflict
The difficulties which arise when persons of different cultures live in the same geographical area. It manifests itself whenever a person experiences conflicting thoughts, feelings, or behaviors due to divided cultural loyalties (i.e., loyalty to two or more cultures).
Also called “majority culture” on comprehensive exams refers to the dominant culture or the culture that is accepted by the majority of citizens in a given society.
Cultural Relativity
Connotes that a behavior cannot be assessed as good or bad except within the context of a given culture. The behavior must be evaluated relative to the culture. In the United States, for example, teen pregnancy prior to marriage is sometimes considered a negative behavior and viewed as a difficulty. In other parts of the world premarital pregnancy may be seen as something which is positive because it establishes the woman’s fertility. Such a woman may even be described as more “marriageable.”
Culture Epoch Theory
This suggests that all cultures—like children—pass through the same stages of development in terms of evolving and maturing.
In the United States, each socioeconomic group represents
a separate culture.
Which therapist was not instrumental in the early years of the social psychology movement?
Eric Berne
________ and ________ would say that regardless of culture, humans have an instinct to fight.
Freud; Lorenz
________ believe that aggression is learned. Thus, a child who witnesses aggressive behavior in adults may imitate the aggressive behavior.
Social learning theorists
The APGA, which became the AACD until 1992 and is now the ACA, contributed to the growth of cross-cultural counseling by…
the 1972 formation of the Association for Non-White Concerns in Personnel and Guidance, later known as the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development.
Daniel Levinson proposed a controversial stage-crisis view theory with several major life transitions. He…
d) b and c.
The three factors which enhance interpersonal attraction are:
close proximity, physical attraction, similar beliefs.
Social psychologists refer to this term as the tendency for people who are in close proximity (say working at the same office or living close) to be attracted to each other.
Leon Festinger
He discovered that friendship and attraction were highest for apartment dwellers living next door to each other.
The term contextualism implies that…
behavior must be assessed in the context of the culture in which the behavior occurs.
Carol Gilligan, although she was an assistant to Lawrence Kohlberg, was critical of his theory of moral development…
as she felt it was more applicable to males than females.
________ helped to popularize the multicultural counseling movement.
The civil rights movement
When a counselor speaks of a probable outcome in a case, he or she is technically referring to
the prognosis.
When a counselor speaks of what he or she believes must transpire from a psychotherapeutic standpoint, he or she technically is referring to…