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Schuman Declaration
6 European countries agreed to cooperate on coal and steel
Treaty of Rome
1957 - established a common market and framework for the future integration of member states’ economies
Treaty of Maastricht
1992 - officially established the EU European citizenship and cooperation in foreign policy and justice
Treaty of Lisbon
2007 - simplified the decision-making process; gave greater powers to some of the EU institutions and was controversial
2016-2020 - vote and actually exit of UK from the EU
European Council
Heads of gov/state from member states; defines general policy/goals but doesn’t pass laws
European Commission
made up of members chosen from member govs; actual executive power to propose & monitor laws; manages EU budget & reps EU int’lly
Council of the Union/Ministers
approves laws w/parliament; consists of ministers of diff departments from EU govs; presidency is held by an entire country & rotates 6 months
members are proportionally elected; can’t propose laws but approves them w. council of union
Court of Justice of the EU
interprets EU laws & settles disputes; court of Justice hears member states’ disputes and general court hears cases b/t individuals & members
3 ways to pass laws in the EU
Eu parliament, representing citizens; council of ministers, representing govs; EU commission, representing overall EU ambitions
regional econ & pol community of west-african states (Nigeria is a member)
ECOWAS Economic role
ECOWAS makes a single trade bloc to increase trade efficiency
ECOWAS Security role
ECOWAS has various defense protocols to maintain peace & order within the region
ECOWAS Social role
ECOWAS has various social programs to encourage development (gender, drug-reduction, youth programs, etc)
World Trade Organization
international econ & trade regulating organization; settles trade disputes b/t members (all AP6 are members)
Group of the 7 most economically prosperous countries in the world; negotiate policies and “influence economic trends” internationally
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries - organization to coordinate and regulate oil prices
OPEC AP6 members
Nigeria and Iran