Theology Unit 1 Test

Catholic Social Teaching (matching) -

  • Life and Dignity of the Human Person - All human beings have god-given dignity because we are loved by God and created by him in his image and likeness; we are called to respect human life and dignity; every single human being should be treated with unconditional love

  • Family, Community, and Participation - Everyone has a right to marriage, family, and participation in social life

  • Solidarity - We are one human family

  • The dignity of Work - Economy + government should benefit the people (right to productive work/fair work)

  • Personal Rights and Responsibilities - Right to conditions for a decent life (faith, family, food, shelter, education, employment, healthcare, housing)

  • Option for the Poor and Vulnerable - Our job to care for and stand with the poor and vulnerable

  • Care for God’s Creation - Care for the earth, be guided by a concern for generations to come

Charity - social action that is an immediate response to a person or group who is suffering or lacking the necessities for a dignified life (provide immediate assistance)

Justice - social action that seeks to convert structures of sin and build structures of greater justice

Christian Scriptures (New Testament) - Jesus was the first person to stand up and act for justice in his daily life. the template

Circle of Social Action - Awareness (who are the poor and vulnerable people in our community, our nation, and other parts of the world) analysis (what is needed in order for the poor and vulnerable people of the world to experience love and justice) action ( how are we called to act so that poor and vulnerable person may live in dignity)

Common Good - the good that is collectively shared by a number of people and that is beneficial for all members of a given community. Social conditions that allow for all citizens of the earth, individuals, and families, to meet basic needs and achieve fulfillment to promote the common good

Corporal Works of Mercy - charitable actions that respond to people's physical needs and show respect for human dignity (feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, shelter the homeless, clothe the naked, care for the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead)

Covenant - An agreement between god and his people that neither side wants to break it. makes clear what God wants from his people

Noahic: god promises never to flood the earth and humans are to take very good care of creation; Stewardship

Abrahamic: god promises he will be fruitful and multiply in return for obedience, and faithfulness. God encourages all to take care of the earth to grow and prosper

Mosaic: god gives the 10 commandments on how to treat god and other humans

Davidic: David was humble, kind, and respectful. demands humility, kindness, and respect at all times and at all costs. (if the kingdom ever Falls god promised to send a messiah)

Divine Revelation - God's self-communication through which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan. Divine revelation is a gift accomplished by the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit through words and deeds of salvation history. It is most fully realized in the Passon, death, Ressurection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ

Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) - How God interacted with people

Informed Conscience - one that is aware of the facts of the world and analyzes them according to their own moral compass

New Law - divine law revealed in the new testament through the witness and teaching of the apostles

New Testament Social Teaching -

  • Human Dignity - We must see the image of God in all people and therefore must love everyone to the best of our ability with no exceptions

  • Money and Material Possessions - The goods of the earth are meant for all people; share the wealth

  • Concern for the Poor and Vulnerable - It’s a requirement to care for the poor and vulnerable to ender heaven

  • Corporal Works of Mercy - Charitable actions that respond to people’s physical needs and show respect for human dignity

Original Holiness - the original state of human beings in their relationship, sharing in the divine life in  full communication with him

Original Justice - the state of complete harmony of our first parents with themselves, each other, and all of creation

Original Sin - the sin by which the first humans disobeyed God and thereby lost the original holiness and became subject to death (all but mary and Jesus are born with it)

Pastoral Letters

  • Purpose and Function - To give the church official stance on an issue/topic

  • Know one and its contents

Prophetic Justice

  • Know one prophet and his message

Scripture vs Apostolic Tradition - where the bible gets its teachings; through the scriptures and the actions of the apostles

Salvation History - the pattern of specific salvific events in human history in which God clearly reveals his presence and saving action. accomplished through christ

Social Doctrine - the body of teaching by the Church on economic and social matters that included moral judgments and demands for action in favor of those being harmed

Social Justice - the defense of human dignity by ensuring that essential human needs are met and essential human rights are protected for all people

Social Structure - the complex pattern of relationships that shape any society. they help determine how justice is lived out in society

Social Teaching in the Old Testament -

  • Respect for Human Life - Punishment must equal the crime

  • Respect for Private Property  - Taught the Israelites that to right to private property is a basic human right necessary for a person’s family survival

  • Honesty in Business - The common good takes precedence over an individual person’s right to accumulate wealth

  • Just Distribution of Wealth - Every Israelite should have access to the material goods needed to live a dignified life (no one is the permanent owner of earth resources)

  • Special Concern for Poor and Vulnerable - It is sinful to take advantage of the poor and vulnerable and not provide for their basic needs

Spiritual Works of Mercy - charitable actions that respond to people's spiritual needs and show respect for human dignity ( instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful, comfort those who suffer, bear wrongs patiently, forgive those who hurt you, admonish sinners, and pray for the living and the dead)

The Fall - the biblical revelation about the origins of sin and evil in the world (adam and eve)

Universal Destination of Goods - the principle that the earth and all its goods belong to God, and he intends these goods to provide the things all human beings need to live with dignity.
