IB Computer Science Paper 2

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77 Terms


What is inheritance

an ‘is-a’ relationship. using regular arrow. inherits the attributes and behaviours of the container. “class mountain bike extends bicycyle'“

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what is association

one to many, one to one, many to many. a relationship between classes of objects that allows one object instance to cause another to perform an action on its behalf.

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what is aggregation

‘has-a’ relationship. container and contained = customer and bank account. using blank diamond arrow, pointing towards container (opp of inheritance) (container has contained as an attribute)

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what is composition

when contained cannot exist without its container. Bank account and sub account, sub account cannot exist w/o bank account. filled-in diamond arrow pointing towards container.

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what is a pure association

neither classes have each other as an attribute. a line and 0…n on both ends

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what is an object diagram

have actual real-world examples or values. show how a system will look like at a given time

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what is an object

  • representation of a real world entity.

  • instance of a class.

  • abstract entity and its components(data and actions).

  • contains attributes and behaviours

  • has 2 components: attributes(like lists) and behaviours (functions)

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what is a class

template for creating an object. identifies what data needs to be stored for objects of this type and what methods are available to allow access to this data.

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advantages of subprograms and objects

  • support abstraction

  • facilitating ease of debugging

  • future maintenance (only need to work through one subprogram instead of whole thing)

  • reusability of code

  • modularity

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what is abstraction

ignore the irrelevant and focus on the essential qualities of something rather than sticking to one specific example that illustrates our idea

objects are abstracted into a class

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what is polymorphism.

methods (behaviours) have the same name but different parameter lists and processes

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what is encapsulation

technique of making the states in a class private and providing access to those states via public behaviours (methods)

  • private = cannot be accessed by any method outside the class, thereby hiding the states within the class

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what is dependency

when one class’ methods use a different class. a dotted arrow, from dependent part to the required part.

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difference between an object and instantiation

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why are dependencies bad

  • decrease reuse.

  • reuse helps development speed cuz developers can work on it at the same time.

  • increases maintenance overheads

  • changing one line of code could have big impact on all classes involved.

    • greater room for error and takes lots of time to fix error

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explain the need for different data types to represent data items

  • data is stored as a combination of binary values in the computer

  • data types are used to store different kinds of data

  • needed because they specify to the computer how to interpret the binary values in the storage

  • So computer uses minimum RAM, and the program is more efficient

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different types of data and the memory they take up

  • boolean = data that’s only 2 values (true/ false, on/off). 1 byte

  • integers = represent whole numbers, 4 bytes bits to store information

  • real = decimal numbers, 8 bytes

  • string = sequence of characters like a name, each character takes up one byte

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what is declaration

variable declaration with a variable name with an object type

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what is instantiation

‘new’ key word used to create the object

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what is a super class

class whose features are inherited is known as a super class

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what is sub class

  • class that inherits the other class is known as sub class

  • can add its own states and behaviours

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what are parameters

  • allows us to pass information or instructions into functions and procedures

  • names of the information we want to use in a function or procedure

  • values passed in are called arguments

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what is overloading

  • in a class, different methods have the same name

  • different signatures where signature can differ but number of input parameters or type of input parameters (or both).

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what is overriding

  • allows child class to provide a specific implementation of a method that is already provided by the parent class

  • same function, same parameters but different classes

  • always invokes the more specialized behaviour.

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overloading vs overriding

  • overloading = same function but different parameters

  • overriding = same function, same parameters but different classes connected through inheritance

<ul><li><p>overloading = same function but different parameters</p></li><li><p>overriding = same function, same parameters but different classes connected through inheritance</p></li></ul>
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advantages of encapsulation

  1. data hiding

  2. increased flexibility

  3. reusability

  4. testing code is easy

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what is data hiding as an adv of encapsulation

  • secure because user can’t see the inner information of the class

  • not visible to the user how the class is storing values in the variables

  • only know that we are passing the values to a setter method and variables are getting initialized with that value

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what is reusability as an adv of encapsulation

  • encapsulation also improves ability for code to be used many times

  • can be copied to different/new classes and help meet new requirements

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what is ‘testing code is easy’ as an adv of encapsulation

  • allows unit testing (automated testing that tests many different types of data quickly

  • easier to fix larger programs if you know which method is returning the wrong response

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what is increased flexibility as an adv of encapsulation

  • can make variables of the class as read-only or write-only, depending on our requirement

  • if we wish to make the variables as read-only then we can omit the setter methods

  • or for variables as write-only then, we omit the get methods

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main advantage of inheritance

  • minimizes amount of duplicate code in an application by sharing common code amongst several subclasses

  • reduces time and effort to recreate classes by moving that common code up to a common superclass

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other advantages of inheritance

  1. minimize amount of duplicate code in an application

  2. better organization of code

  3. code more flexible to change

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what is better organization of code as an adv of inheritance

moving common code to a super class result in better organization of code (better abstraction)

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what is code more flexible to change as an adv of inheritance

in inheritance classes can be used interchangeably

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advantages of overriding

  • allows a parent class to specify methods that will be common to all of its derivatives

  • while allowing sub classes to define the specific implementation of some or all of those methods

  • allow us to call methods of any of the parent classes without even knowing the specifics of the parent class

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advantages of overloading

  • don’t have to create and remember different names for functions doing the same thing

  • like would have to make many methods names for ever possible combination of parameters being used

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advantages of libraries of objects

  • time saving

  • sorting algorithms do not have to be re-invented (like u dont have to reinvent the wheel)

  • complex algorithms and processes can be reused

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disadvantages of OOP

  • increased complexity for small problems

  • unsuited to particular classes of problems

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what is increased complexity in disadvantages of OOP

  • involves more lines of code than procedural programs

  • slower than procedure-based programs, as they require more instructions to be executed

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what is unsuited to particular problems as disadvantages of OOP

  • problems can be easily solved by functional programming style, logic programming style, or procedure-based programming style and applying OOP in those situations will not result in efficient programs

  • ex. why make an object when using a String will do

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why is working in a team better

  1. Speed of completion faster

  2. information hiding to reduce module dependencies

  3. expertise in a narrow field

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what is speed of completion as an adv of teams

tasks can be completed concurrently, so project completed in shorter amount of time

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what is information hiding as an adv of teams

  • developers only need to know the name and required parameters to use a behaviour

  • can use code without needing to understand how it functions

  • security benefit to coders not having access to actual data items

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what is expertise in narrow fields as an adv of teams

  • assembling a complex project needs many skills

  • each part can be programmed by an expert in that field, so quality of final product is significantly higher than expecting one person to know it all

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disadvantages of teams

  • Communication and coordination issues

  • Groupthink: diffusion of responsibility; going along

  • Working by inertia; not planning ahead

  • Conflict or mistrust between team members

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explain the advantages of modularity in program development

  • easier debugging and testing

  • speedier completion

  • code blocks reusable

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what is easier debugging and testing as adv of modularity

  • smaller modules to test means easier to find and fix bugs

  • number of tests that have to be run to confirm the module is operational is reduced

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speedier completion as adv of modularity

  • breaking the project into smaller modules, can save time by using modules that already exist from libraries that do the function you want

  • each module can be worked on concurrently, so speedier completion of the overall project

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what is reusable code blocks as adv of modularity

  • some problems are common and possible occur in multiple programs (like needing a text box)

  • can reuse blocks of code, so development time is slashed

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define an identifier

  • named pointer that explicitly identifies an object, class, method or variable

  • allows programmer to refer to the item from other places in the program

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define primitive

  • most basic data types available within Java language

  • boolean, byte, char, short, int, long, float, double

  • building blocks of data manipulation

  • purpose: contain pure, simple values of a particular kind

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define a variable

  • named storage location for a value that a program can manipulate

  • must be declared before they can be used

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define instance variable

  • non -static variables and are declared in a class outside any method, constructor or block

  • created when object of the class is created and destroyed when object is destroyed

  • can use access modifiers for instance variables

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define parameter variable

  • parameter allows us to pass information or instructions into functions and procedures

  • names of the information we want to use in a function or procedure

  • values passed in are argument

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define a local variable

  • variable defined within a block or method or constructor

  • created when the block is entered or the function is called and destroyed after exiting from the block or when the call returns from the function

  • only accessible within its block

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define method

  • set of code referred to by name and can be called at any point in a program simply by utilizing the method’s name

  • described as a subprogram that acts on data and returns value

  • each method had its own name

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define accessor

  • type of method returning the value of a private instance variable

  • getter method

<ul><li><p>type of method returning the value of a private instance variable</p></li><li><p>getter method</p></li></ul>
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define mutator

  • setter method

  • used to control changes to an encapsulated instance variable

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define constructor

  • instance method invoked when object of that class is created (using the new keyword)

    • same name as class, no return type

  • class name, object name = new constructor();

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difference between constructors and methods

  • method can be any user defined name

  • constructor must be class name

  • method should have return type

  • constructor doesn’t have any return type

  • method called explicitly either with object reference or class reference

  • constructor called automatically whenever object is created

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what is a signature

  • part of the method declaration

  • combination of the name and the parameter list

  • __()

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define return value

  • return = reserved keyword in Java, not an identifier

  • exits from a method, with or without a value

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difference between procedures and functions

  • procedures dont return any value (void)

  • functions return value

  • no method can return more than one value at a time in Java

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what is an access level modifier

  • determines whether other classes can use a particular field or invoke a particular method

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what is public as a modifier

  • visible to all classes everywhere

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define private as a modifier

  • can only be accessed within the declared class itself

  • most restrictive access level

  • can be accessed outside of class if public getter methods are present

  • using the private modifier is main way an object encapsulates itself and hides data from the outside world

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define protected as a modifier

  • can be accessed only by subclasses

  • prevents non related classes from trying to use it

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define extends

keyword used in a sub class to inherit the properties of a parent class

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define static

means shared between all instances of that class is it belongs to the type, not the actual objects themselves.

takes up less memory cuz only 1 memory allocation for all instances vs 1 per instance

can access the static member without first creating a class instance

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how is internationalization done

  • common character sets among many platforms and languages like Unicode

  • platform independent high level languages enable code to run on many platforms

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what is a moral issue

has the potential to help or harm anyone, including oneself

ex: not testing a product that then fails and causes harm, product failing and causing commercial harm, stealing other programmers’ work

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what is an ethical issue

requires you to choose between choices that are right or wrong

ex. responsibility for computer failure, protection of computer property, records and software

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what is open source movement

supports the use of open-source licenses for some or all software

voluntarily writing and exchanging programming code for software development

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what is a byte

  • Byte data type is an 8-bit signed two's complement integer.

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what is long type

  • Long data type is a 64-bit signed two's complement integer.

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what is double data type

  • 64-bit floating point

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what is a char data type

  • single 16-bit Unicode character

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