Bio 301 - Principles of Ecology
Birth & Immigration does what to the population?
Increases the population size
Death & Emigration does wha to the population?
Decreases the population size
Closed Population
A population that does not experience immigration or emigration, meaning its size is only affected by birth and death rates.
Open Population
A population that experiences immigration and emigration, allowing its size to be influenced by both birth and death rates as well as the movement of individuals in and out.
When N(1), the equation is?
N(1) = N(0) + B - D + I - E
represents the population size at the next time interval
represents the population size at the current time interval
the number of births during a specific time period
the number of deaths during a specific time period
the number of immigrations during a specific time period
the number of emigrations during a specific time period
is the per capita birthrate
is the per capita deathrate
Per capita birthrate equation
b= B/N(t)
Per capita deathrate equation
d= D/N(t)
When N(x>1) the equation is…
N(t+1)= N(t) + b(N(t)) - d(N(t))
Geometric growth
Predicts changes in a population size in discrete intervals where brith and death are not continuous
Exponential Growth
As the change in time (delta t) approaches 0, the rate of change is instantaneous
what is ‘r’ ?
Instantaneous rate of population growth per capita.
When r=0?
birth = death (population size doesn’t change)
When r>0?
birth > death (population size increases exponentially)
When r<0?
births < deaths (populations decreases exponentially)
Positive Exponential growth occurs in…
Populations live in favorable environments and are at low populations densities These conditions are present during the process of colonization and establishment in new environments