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carbohydrates overview
-Carbohydrates are the most abundant biomolecule in
-Have a wide variety of cellular functions: energy, structure,
communication, and precursors for other biomolecules
-They are a direct link between solar energy and chemical
bond energy
• Compounds that contain a single carbonyl group and two or
more hydroxyl groups
• Cannot be hydrolyzed (broken down) to simpler carbohydrates
• Have the general formula Cn (H 2 O) n
• Several (8-20) sugars linked by glycosidic bonds
• Formed when many monosaccharides are bonded together
through glycosidic bonds
-They are typically constructed of C,
H, and O atoms and adhere to the
molecular formula (CH 2 O) n , where
n ≥ 3.
- Carbohydrate derivatives—many of
which include groups containing N,
P, and other elements—are easy to
recognize by their large number of
hydroxyl (–OH) groups.
-monosaccharides from aldehydes→ aldoses
-monosaccharides from ketones→ketoses
classification of carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are also classified by the number of carbon
atoms they contain
-Trioses, tetroses, pentoses, and hexoses
-Most abundant in living cells are hexoses and pentoses
stereoisomerism in monosaccharides
Molecules that differ from each other only in their
Three-dimensional arrangement of groups around a chiral
carbon atom
Possibility of stereoisomerism increases as the number of
carbon atoms increases
chirality of carbohydrates
Chiral Carbon: carbon atoms that bear four different substituents
§ Nearly all monosaccharides (the symmetric dihydroxyacetone is one exception) have a
number of stereoisomers which are easy to see when monosaccharides are written in a Fischer projection
monosaccharide stereoisomers
An increase in the number of chiral
carbons increases the number of
possible isomers
-2^n where n is the number of chiral
non superimposable mirror image
if OH on left → l enantiomer
if OH on right → D enantiomer
enantiomers D vs. L configuration
Most highly oxidized carbon is written at the top and is designated C-1
• Other carbon atoms are numbered in sequence from the top
D configuration
• —OH is on the right of the highest-numbered chiral carbon
L configuration
• —OH is on the left of the highest-numbered chiral carbon
diastereomers and epimers
differ at least one position, not mirror image
epimers differ at only position
all epimers are diastereomers, but not all diastereomers are epimers
cyclic structure of monosaccharides
Sugars with four or more carbons exist primarily in cyclic
- Five-membered rings are called furanoses and six-membered
rings are pyranoses
- Cyclic form of fructose is fructofuranose, while glucose in the
pyranose form is glucopyranose
-cyclization is spontaneous
anomeric C: original carbon with C=O bond
OH in highest number carbon form bond with anomeric C
if the last C has the OH on right ( d enantiomer) the final C faces up
-OH on right → face down haworth
OH left→ face up haworth
-if D enantiomer, last C face up, if both the last C and anomeric are in the same direcrtion→ B anomer. if last C and anomeric C in opposite directions→ A anomer
-The a- and b-forms of
monosaccharides are readily
interconverted in aqueous
-This spontaneous process,
mutarotation, produces an
equilibrium mixture of a- and b-
forms in both furanose and
pyranose ring structures
-can go from linear to ring structure
-can switch between 5 and 6 membered rings
stability of glucose
-Hexoses and pentoses form planar structures where the sugar ring
puckers so that each C atom can retain its tetrahedral bonding
geometry (“chair” conformation).
-The substituents of each carbon may point either above the ring
(axial positions) or outward (equatorial positions).
-most stable chair and abundant in nature
-the OH’s groups are all equatorial, most stable due to less steric hindrance
Glucose can adopt a chair conformation in which all its bulky
ring substituents (the –OH and –CH 2 OH groups) occupy
equatorial positions which minimizes repulsions between
neighboring groups.
- In all other hexoses, some of these groups must occupy the more
crowded—and therefore less stable—axial positions. The greater
stability of glucose may be one reason for its abundance among
derivatives of monosaccharides
Unlike enantiomers and epimers, which are not interchangeable, anomers in an aqueous
solution freely interconvert between the α and β forms, unless the hydroxyl group
attached to the anomeric carbon is linked to another molecule.
-any modification to anomeric C→ no longer have -OH on anomeric C
-reducing sugar→still has anomeric C in place,free anomeric C
-nonreducing sugar→modified anomeric C
-nonreducing sugars can not go back to linear form, reducing sugars can
types of modifications: phosphorylated monosaccharides can add phosphate. the linear form of the reducing sugar →still has anomeric C
-notes: anomeric C between two oxygens
-can add nucleic acid modifcations through a glycosidic bond, can add amine ( glucosamine), Coo- (glucuronate) , xylitol
-2 monomers linked by glycosidic bonds
Carbohydrate chains are
called glycans.(polysaccharides)
- Each monosaccharide has
several free –OH groups that
can participate in a
condensation reaction, which
permits different bonding
arrangements and allows for
lactose → galactose + glucose
-Lactose (milk sugar) is the disaccharide found
in milk
-One molecule of galactose linked to one
molecule of glucose (b(1,4) linkage)-covalent, makes lactose
§It is common to have a deficiency in the
enzyme that breaks down lactose (lactase)
-Lactose is a reducing sugar
-galactose - B-1,4 linkage to glucose
beta: last C and anomeric C at same position
-one anomeric C (on glucose) is not modified, anomeric → rducing sugar
-lactose has 1 free anomeric C
Sucrose is common table
• One molecule of glucose
linked to one molecule of
fructose, linked by an
a,b(1,2) glycosidic bond
• Glycosidic bond occurs
between both anomeric
• Sucrose is a nonreducing
-no free anomeric C
-glucose alpha 1, B -2 fructose
-both anomeric C involved in glycosidic bond
starch and glycogen are polymers of glucose
-Starch-plants, storage of glucose
• Amylose-linear form, helical structure/coils up,linked through alpha 1,4 linkage and glycosidic bond
• Amylopectin-branched formed-alpha 1,4 linkage, branched points around every 24-30 glucose molecules
-both amylose and amylopectin are made of only glucose
- Glycogen
-animals, highly branched
-alpha 1,4 linkage-linear and alpha 1,6-form branched linkage(every 8-12 glucose molecules)
-has more branched points than starch. animals need to move and release more glucose
-reducing end: has free anomeric C
-nonreducing end:anomeric C involved in glycosidic bond
cellulose is composed of glucose in B 1-4 linkages
Whereas starch molecules form
compact granules inside the cell,
cellulose forms extended fibers that
lend rigidity and strength to plant
cell walls.
- Individual cellulose polymers form
bundles with extensive hydrogen
bonding within and between
adjacent chains
-linear, no branches
-extended structure, stick up, not tightly coiled
-structural molecule for plant cell walls
The exoskeletons of insects and crustaceans and the cell walls of
many fungi contain a polymer called chitin, in which the β(1 →
4)-linked residues are the glucose derivative N-acetylglucosamine
(glucosamine with an acetyl group linked to its amino group).
-can modify wit acetyl and amino group
-link via B 1-4 linkage, modified glucose linkages
glycoproteins are N-linked via Asn
Most of the proteins that are secreted from eukaryotic cells or
remain on their surface are glycoproteins.
- Glycoproteins are N-linked via Asn or O-linked via Ser or Thr
- The amino acid sequence or local structure of the protein, as well as the
set of processing enzymes present in the cell, roughly determine which
sugars are added to and deleted from Glycoprotein.
-linked via glycosidic bonds
-glycosylation occurs during protein synthesis(adding sugar to protein)
The ABO blood group system
The best known and one of
the clinically important
carbohydrate classification
schemes is the ABO blood
group system which involves
the oligosaccharides attached
to sphingolipids and proteins
on red blood cells and other
-oligosaccharides, proteins or lipids
-protein add oligosaccharide→ RBC identity
Proteoglycans are glycoproteins in which the protein chain
serves mainly as an attachment site for enormous linear O-linked
polysaccharides called glycosaminoglycans.-negatively charged repeating disaccharides
§ Proteoglycans may be transmembrane proteins or lipid-linked,
but the glycosaminoglycan chains are invariably on the
extracellular side of the plasma membrane.
-found on membrane proteins, protection
-chondroitin sulfate-glycosaminoglycans
proteoglycan structure: have a protein backbone
-glycosaminoglycan has a strong negative charge
-O linked glycosaminoglycans
-the negative charge act as shock absorbers, when put pressure on joints they squeeze out H2O and decrease diameter of fluid surrounding joints
-to relieve pressure, negative charge repels and joint go back to normal width
proteoglycan’s function
Structural role in connective tissues by attracting various amount
of water based on mechanical pressure. This spongelike action of
glycosaminoglycans in the spaces of the joints provides shock
- Proteoglycans, known as mucins, form the protective mucus
lining the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and reproductive tracts.
-protein backbone with glycosamino added through O linked glycosilation