What position is this?
Supine or flat
What position is this?
What position is this?
What position is this?
What position is this?
Reverse Trendelenburg’s
When would the supine/flat position be used?
For patients with vertebral injuries and in cervical traction; position used for patients who are hypotensive and generally preferred by patients for sleeping
When would Fowler’s position be used?
Preferred while patient eats; used during nasogastric tube insertion and nasotracheal suction; promotes lung expansion
When would Semi-Fowler’s position be used?
Promotes lung expansion; relieves strain on abdominal muscles
Used when patients receive gastric feedings, to reduce risk for aspiration
When would Trendelenburg’s position be used?
For postural drainage; facilitates venous return in patients with poor peripheral perfusion
When would Reverse Trendelenburg’s position be used?
Used infrequently; promotes gastric emptying and prevents esophageal reflux
What is the orange object underneath the patient?
Orange tube slider
What is the white sheet?
Draw sheet
What is this and what’s its use?
Transfer belt
Transfer belt allows you to maintain stability of patient during transfer and reduces risk for falling
What is this?
Slider board
What is this?
Mechanical lift or Hydraulic lift
What is this and what is it used for?
Foot boards
Decreases the chance of foot drop
What is this and what’s it used for?
Hand rolls
Reduces extension of fingers and abduction of thumbs. Maintains thumb slightly abducted and in opposition to fingers.
What is this and what’s it use?
Moon boots/ Prevalon boots/ Heel protectors/ Therapeutic boots
Keep pressure off heals
What is this and its use?
Elbow protectors
Prevent skin break down and pressure ulcers
What is this and its use?
Trochanter rolls
Help rotation of joints
What is this and its use?
Bed cradle
Keep sheet off of patient
What is this and its use?
Reduce friction and keep moisture out
What is this and its use?
Tube slider
Reduce friction when moving patient
What is this and its use?
Provides wide base of support and helps patient with balance
What is this and its use?
Helps maintain balance by widening support
What is this and its use?
Transfers weight from one leg. Transfers more weight to the arms than a cane does.
What is a total/complete bed bath?
Bath administered to totally dependent patient in bed
What is a partial bed bath?
Bathing only body parts that would cause discomfort if left unbathed;
Hands, face, axillia, perineal area, and back
What is a tub bath?
Bringing the patient to a bathtub for more thorough washing and rinsing.
What is a shower?
Patient sits or stands in the shower
What is a sponge bath?
Involves bathing from a bath basin or sink with patient sitting.
What is this ?
Shampoo trough/basin
What is this?
Diamond end file
What is this?
Nail nippers
What is this?
Blacks file
What is this?
Emesis basin
What is this?
Wash basin
What is this and its use?
To drain urine
What is this?
Attends pad/Incontinence pad/ Incontinence briefs
What is this?
Regular bed pan
What is this?
Fracture bed pan
What is this?
Bed side commode
What is this?
Rectal tube
What is this?
Scrotal support device
What type of bandage is this?
Soft role bandage
What type of bandage is this?
Ace bandage
What is this?
Belt restraint
What is this?
Extremity restraint
What is this?
Mitt restraint
What is this?
Ted stocking
What is this and which urine sample is it used for?
Urine hat
Urine analysis
What is this and which urine sample is it used for?
Specimen cup
Urine culture & sensitivity
What is this and which urine sample is it used for?
24 hour urine container
What is this and which urine sample is it used for?
Reagent strips
What is this?
Occult blood testing kit