Paschal Mystery 2024 Study Guide Unit 1 Test

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Read Paschal Mystery, Unit 1, pp. 8-9 before you begin to use this study guide. Also, revisit the chapter review questions ahead of time, too.

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Paschal Mystery

The work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension

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Primeval History

The time before the invention of writing and recording of historical data

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Figurative Language

Literary form that uses symbolic images, stories, and names to point to a deeper truth

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imago Dei

Means “In the image of God” in Latin

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A story that explains something’s  cause or origin

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Original Holiness

The original state of human being in their relationship with God, sharing in the divine life in full communion with him

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Original Justice

The original state of Adam and Eve before the Fall, a state of perfect harmony with each other, themselves, and with all of creation

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Original Sin

The sin of the first human beings, who disobeyed Gods command by choosing to follow their own will and thus they original holiness and because subject to death

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The Fall

Also called the Fall from Grace, the biblical Revelation about the origins of sin and evil in the world, expressed figuratively in the account of Adam and Eve in Genesis

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Means “The first gospel,” which is found in Genesis 3:15, when God revealed he would send a Savior to redeem the world from its sins

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The tendency of all human beings toward sin, as a result of Original Sin 

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A partnership with God in which God makes promises to us that we must fulfill certain accomplishments to God’s plan/desire/goals

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Means “Anointed one” in Hebrew, blessed with oil to do God’s bidding

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New Covenant

Established by God in Jesus to fulfill and perfect the Old Covenant/Mosaic Law

  • The Law is called a law of love, grace, and freedom. 

  • Will never end or diminish and nothing new will be revealed until Christ comes again

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It means the creation of God’s character, representative of God’s rule, Harness creation potential and create bounty and order (Protoevangelium)

What does it mean to be created in the image of God (imago Dei)?

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The Human Project is something we all have to participate in, and has something to do with creation. We have to harness the Earth’s natural resources for the Common Good.

What is our “divine & sacred task?”

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Original sin affects human nature because it weakens our will.

How does Original Sin affect human nature?

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The results of Original Sin is that we are more likely to sin

What are the results of Original sin?

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  • Noah: God promises to not harm the earth/not flood the world, humans have to do nothing 

  • Abraham: God promises to give him land, that his family with be a blessing to the world world, and that he will have descendants as number of the stars, and in return Abraham has to trust God, and his family has to do what is right in just

  • Moses(Israel): God promises to bless them and they will represent him for the rest of humanity. God gives the Mosaic Covenants, and human being has to follow them

  • King David: God's promises one of David’s descendants will expand God’s Kingdom in return human beings have to follow the law and do what is right and just. Renewal of all the other covenants.

What are the 4 covenants in the Hebrew Scriptures (OT)?  What does God promise & what commitments must human beings make for each of them?

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The prophets were the messengers of God. They warned the kings of the monarchy to keep the covenant to be just. The prophets says they will have a messiah after the monarchy fell.

What role do the prophets play in the Hebrew Scriptures (OT)?

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Jesus fulfilled each of the covenants by being from the family of Abraham(bring the blessing of the family to the whole world/Jesus is a blessing), is the Israelite who truly obeys the law(Moses/Israel), king from the line of David, and expanding God's kingdom to all

How does Jesus the Christ fulfill each of the covenants of the Hebrew Scriptures (OT)?

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