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Central trunk: chordamesoderm formed from notochord: patterns neural tube and established AP axis
To the side of notochord: Semitic mesoderm. Forms the somites
Itnermediate mesoderm urogenital system
Lateral palate mesoderm: lateral to the Semitic mesoderm forms heart blood vessels and gives rise to circulatory system
Somites formed by epithelial cells creating a block of mesenchyme cell core
When somites first seperate from presomitic meso they are capable of any somite derived fate
As somite matures EMT is undergone committing cells
Two major cells in somite not :scleratome and dermamyotome
Ventromedial=scleratome forms vertebrae ribs and tendons
Epithelial portion=dermamyotome forms muscles
Notochord induces surrounding cels to release epimorphin that attracts scleratome cells around neural tube where they condense and differentiate Into cartilage
More dorsal cells over the top of nerual tube form spinous process of vertebrae are induced by platelet derived growth factor from the scleratome cells\
Motor neurons from the neural tube grow laterally and innervate new muscles
Scleratome splits into aA/P regions
Anterior segments of each scleratome recombine with posterior forming vertebral rudiments
The arthrotome creates the synovial joints between the vertebra and if it is removed there is fusion within the spine
Heart progenitor cells migrate through the streak forming two groups of lateral plate mesoderm
Cardio genie mesoderm= heart field begins specification during migration
First heart field appears forming the scaffold of developing heart
Progenitor cells use the midline to form the primary heart tube that gives rise to muscular region of left and right ventricle
The progenitors of teh second heart field add cells to both anterior and posterior ends of the heart tube
Posterior end forms atria and entry to heart
Specified by interactions with pharyngeal endoderm And notochord
BMP from anterior endoderm promotes heart cells o form
The notochord then secretes chord in and noggin that blocks bmp from the center of the embryo and noggin secreting cells in myotonic keep heart from forming within the somites