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Comparison Group
an element of an experiment that allows us to compare what would happen both with and without the thing we are interested in
alternative explanations for an outcome
an actor playing a specific role for the experimenter
the result of behavioral research is __ which means that its findings do not explain all cases all of the time.
availability heuristic
a bias which states that things that pop up easily in our minds tend to guide our thinking
present/present bias
a bias that shows our tendency to overlook the things that are absent
confirmation bias
a bias that shows our tendency to look only at information that agrees with what we want to believe
bias blind spot
the belief that we are unlikely to fall prey to the other biases
empirical journal articles
a first-type report of the results of an empirical study.
review journal articles
a journal article that summarizes and integrates all the published studies that have been done in one research area
a quantitative technique which combines the results of many studies and gives a number that summarizes the magnitude of a relationship
effect size
a number that summarizes the magnitude of a relationship
the deliberate creation and sharing of information known to be false