Social inequality
________: because some families (or clans) acquired more goods than others.
Industrial Society
________: when goods are produced by machines powered by fuels instead of the force of humans and animals.
________ (or gardening) societies: societies which are based on the cultivation of plants by the use of hand tools.
________: an individual thought to be able to influence spiritual forces and help obtain food.
Dawn of Civilisation
________: when fundamental inventions occurred, such as the wheel and language (writing and numbers)
domestication of animals
The ________ and plants is the first social revolution, as a dependable food supply allows groups to grow larger.
Great Britain
Began in ________ in 1756 when the steam engine was first used.
steam engine
The ________ was a push towards social inequality, workers had few legal rights, they could not unionise or have the right to safe working conditions.
edible fruits
It is the science and art of producing ________, vegetables, flowers, herbs, and ornamental plants, improving and commercialising them.
disproportionate subsistence
They are groups that have a(n) ________ emphasis on herding domesticated livestock.
________: activities such as philosophy, art, music, literature and architecture.
________ (or Herding) societies: societies are based on the pasturing of animals.
A Group
people who interact with one another and who think of themselves as belonging together
an individual thought to be able to influence spiritual forces and help obtain food
they move from one location to another
believe that people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities
Pastoral (or Herding) societies
societies are based on the pasturing of animals
Horticulture (or gardening) societies
societies which are based on the cultivation of plants by the use of hand tools
Social Revolution
way of passing from a socioeconomic formation that has become historically obsolete to a more progressive one
Social inequality
because some families (or clans) acquired more goods than others
activities such as philosophy, art, music, literature and architecture
Dawn of Civilisation
when fundamental inventions occurred, such as the wheel and language (writing and numbers)
Industrial Society
when goods are produced by machines powered by fuels instead of the force of humans and animals
Postindustrial societies
one that has transitioned from an economy of goods to an economy of services and has increased the rate of innovation and invention of new technologies and explored their application
Biotech Society
is a society whose economy increasingly centres on applying and altering genetic structures (both plants and animals to produce food, medicine, and materials
Human cloning
is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human
Artificial Human Cloning
reproduction of human cells and tissue