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Cultural Norms
shared beliefs, or values, and the human behaviors that support these values within a given society
Confirmation Bias
search for what you want to be right
Hindsight Bias
tendency to believe, once an outcome is already known, that you would have foreseen it
very sure of a fact although reality is different
Independent Variable
variable being manipulated
Dependent Variable
variable that stays the same
Confounding Variables
differences that arise due to poor planning
Random Assignment
ensures all members of sample have equal chance of being in either group
Case Study
take advantage of unreplicable situation
a relationship or connection between two things
Positive Correlation
r value = 0-1
Negative Correlation
r value = -1 to 0
summarize multiple correlational studies or experimental studies
Naturalistic Observation
observing something in natural environment instead of lab setting
if can be proven wrong
Operational Definition
statement of procedure that allows experiment to be replicated properly
reproducing a study to see if you get the same results
Central Tendency
the statistical measure that identifies a single value as representative of an entire distribution
the differences and diversity that exist within a population
Percentile Rank
the percentage of people in a norm group who scored lower than a particular individual on a test or assessment
middle number, peak of curve
how often something appears
difference between max and min
Normal Curve
bell-shaped distribution
Positive Skew
most scores on lower end of curve
Negative Skew
most scores on higher end of curve
Bimodal Distribution
distribution that has two distinct peaks
Standard Deviation
shows how spread out a set of scores are around the mean
Regression toward the mean
tendency for extremely high or low scores on a measurement to naturally move closer to the average when measured again
small group of people being observed in experiment
all individuals who can participate
Representative Sample
sample that has characteristics similar to those in population, easy to generalize
Random Sampling
every member has same chance
Convenience Sampling
selects participants based on accessibility, can’t generalize
the tendency to respond similarly to stimuli that are similar to an original stimulus
Experimental Group
has independent variable manipulated
Control Group
comparison group, measures the dependent variable by not giving experimental treatment
a fake treatment that appears real but has no therapeutic benefit
Placebo Effect
real responses to an action or substance based solely on expectations, not actual properties of the action or substance
Single-blind Study
participants do not know which group they belong to
Double-blind Study
neither participant nor researcher knowns which group the participants belong to
Experimenter Bias
expectations that may influence outcome
Social Desirability Bias
a type of response bias that occurs when people give answers that are socially acceptable instead of their true opinions
Qualitative Research
a method of research that produces descriptive data
Structured Interviews
uses a set of predetermined questions to collect data from a subject
Likert Scales
a rating scale that measures opinions
Representative Sample
a sample that accurately represents the studied population
Peer Review
quality check from other person
visual representation of the relationships between two numerical variables
Correlation Coefficient
indicates the strength of the relationship between two variables (r value)
Effect Sizes
measure of the strength of a relationship between variables
Statistical Significance
way to determine if a difference between groups is due to chance
Directionality Problem
occurs when two variables are correlated but it’s not clear which causes which
Third Variable Problem
occurs when a correlation between two variables is influenced by an unseen third variable
Institutional Review
provides a core protection for human research participants
Informed Assent
an agreement by an individual not competent to give legally-valid informed consent
a conversation between a researcher and a participant after a study or experiment