Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
The molecule that stores energy for cellular processes.
ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate)
The product formed when ATP loses a phosphate group.
Transport that requires energy, moving against the concentration gradient.
a network of protein filaments that gives a cell its shape and structure
Hollow tubes that help maintain cell structure, major components of the cytoskeleton, intracellular transport
Protein strands that provide structure and stability to cells. Form an elaborate network in the cytoplasm of most cells, extending from a ring surrounding the nucleus to the plasma membrane
protein filaments in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells that form part of the cytoskeleton, provides support and transport
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (Rough ER)
Studded with ribosomes, synthesizes proteins destined to be secreted from the cell or incorporated into the cell membrane, conducts quality checks.