Topics include : Violence, Volunteerism, Religions, Study Funding, Sport ethics and disabilities, Depression
parents causing bodily harm to children and vice versa
parents causing bodily harm to each other
siblings/other family members causing bodily harm to each other
parents/family members sexually abusing children
children sexually abusing other family members
parents/family members intimidating or degrading parents/family members
children intimidating or degrading parents/family members
physical fights between learners
teachers physically assaulting learners and vice versa
sexual assault between learners
teachers sexually assaulting learners and vice versa
learners spreading rumors about peers/teachers
teachers making negative comments about learners
learners making negative comments about teachers/other learners
bullying, fights among gangs and other groups
shootings in public areas
the breakdown of the family structure
poverty, oppression and abuse
desensitizing of people to death and killing
the influence of media on behavior
the effect of alcohol and drugs on behavior
complete physical well-being
ability to recover from illness and other problems
emotional well-being
absence of disease
complete social well-being
not living in fear (socially)
being around supportive and caring people
protected from harm
trusting your partner/family/friends will not do something to intentionally hurt you
operate at a local level
rely on the contributors or volunteers
provide a service to the community
are normally 'non-profit' based
the Torah
Statement on Peace : Shalom = peace; very important to this group of people
the Aqdas/Kitāb al-aqdas
Statement on Peace : This is the age in which peace will be extablished
the Vedas
Statement on Peace : Tolerance of all faiths as they believe that all paths lead to the same goal
the Bible
Statement on Peace : Romans 12, " to live at peace with everyone"
Oral traditions
Statement on Peace : You are born in a community to live as part of a unified society, this is also the wisdom from the ancestors
the Qur'aan
Statement on Peace : "whoever has killed a soul is regarded as if he has killed the whole of mankind and whoever saves a life is regarded as if he has saved the lives of all mankind"
4 key virtues
play with respect, integrity and fairness
be modest in victory and gracious in defeat
treat your opponent the way you would like to be treated
thank the opposition ahead of the game
accept and respect their decision
thank the official at the end of the game
Actively seek something to make you feel better
volunteer your time, use creative outlets Exercise
you will feel less tired, try something continuous and rhythmic Do things that will make you feel good
listen to music, play with a pet Who can you talk to?
talk to someone you trust and tell them you are struggling, friend
National Student Financial Aid Scheme
funded mostly by South Africa's national Department of Education
provides study loans to academically able, but financially disadvantaged students who wish to study at any South African university or university of technology registered as a public higher educational institution
offers student loans at a low interest rate
equip learners with work place skills
managed by Sector Education Training Authority
training programme, both theory and practical elements
usually get paid stipend per month
help to prepare learners for work place
student loans that cover time of study and repay only when done studying and start working
some banks require students to pay back while studying
grace periods are sometimes given before repaying loans if you have to complete internships, article or community service after you've graduated
financial support awarded to student based on academic achievement
donor/department set criteria for recipient selection, grantor defines how money is applied, funds cover cost of tuition, books, room, board and other expenses directly tied to students educational cost through university
from organizations and companies
most expect the people to work for them as a way of repaying them (contract bursaries)
cover tuition, accommodation costs and travel costs
others cover come of those and only contribute a portion of fees