Primary memory (RAM / Cache / ROM)
Secondary storage
Processor speed
It is used in the formation of virtual memory to increase the amount of primary memory
The OS copies as much data as possible into RAM, and leaves the rest on the disk
Memory is divided into pages and transferred in and out of the RAM (exchange between RAM and disk) as requires
To ensure data integrity
To control data flow
Minimalise congestion
To allow communication
Memory management - allocates separate memory to each program / process, allowing programs to share memory
The system will moved to paging if it beings to run out of shared memory
Processor management - allows the appearance of more than one program running at the same time by allocating time slices for parts of each program
Arranges the execution of applications so that the user believes several programs at once are running
Prioritises tasks by importance
A signal to the CPU to hardware or software to alert the CPU to stop execution of the current program and transfer control to the interrupt handler, and execute the higher priority task
The previous order of tasks is saved to the interrupt stack, so it can resume once the interrupt has been serviced
Virtual memory