hormone secreted by the pituitary gland.
increases water re-absorption into the kidney by making tubules more permeable to water
hormone released by the adrenal gland
increases breathing and heart rate
raises blood sugar levels by increasing conversion of glycogen into glucose
period if time for seed hibernation
stops when they germinate
chemical messenger (hormone) system
releases hormones directly into blood stream
controls metabolism, development, growth and reproduction
released from pituitary gland
responsible for eggs to mature in ovary
adrenal gland
pituitary gland
hormone produced by pancreas
works with insulin to control blood sugar levels
glycagon →glucose = increased blood glucose concentration
chemical messenger
secreted by endocrine glands into bloodstream
transported to receptors on target organs
part of brain
regulation centre for body’s temp and water balance
hormone produced by pancreas
controls body’s blood sugar levels
works to decrease glucose levels
fertilisation of an egg using sperm outside the body
used when couple have difficulty conceiving
female reproductive hormone released by pituitary gland
stimulates release of egg
28 day cycle in women
development of uterus lining
maintenance of uterus lining
shedding of uterus lining
female sex hormone
produced in ovaries
regulates menstrual cycle
controls development of secondary sexual characteristics
stores and releases hormones
regulates many bodily functions
method of plant cloning
root cut from parent plant and replanted in compost
powder that contains auxins
cut root dipped in it before replanting (root cuttings)
male reproductive hormone
controls sperm production and development of secondary sexual characteristics
hormone released by thyroid
metabolic rate
rate of glucose uptake during respiration
promotes growth
method of cloning plants
plants grown in growth medium containing nutrients
liquid produced by kidneys
helps maintain water balance
mineral ions