the study of scarcity and choice
individual choice
decisions by individuals about what to do/what not to do
a system for coordinating a society’s productive and consumptive activities
market economy
the decisions of individual producers and consumers largely determine the economy, with little govt. regulation in this
command economy
industry is publicly owned and a central authority makes production and consumption decisions
rewards or punishments that motivate particular choices
property rights
establish ownership and grand individuals the right to trade goods and services with each other
marginal analysis
the study of the costs and benefits of doing one more unit of something versus one less unit of something
anything that can be used to produce something else
all resources that come from nature (minerals, timber, petroleum, etc.)
manufactured goods used to make other goods and services
the efforts of entrepreneurs in organizing resources for production, taking risks to create new enterprises, and innovating to develop new products and production processes
scarce resource
a resource that is not available in sufficient quantities to satisfy all the various ways a society wants to use it
opportunity cost
what someone must give up in order to gain something else
the study of how people make decisions and how those decisions interact
the study of the overall ups and downs in an economy
economic aggregates
economic measures that summarize data across many different markets (inflation rate, unemployment rate, etc.)
positive economics
the brand of economic analysis that describes the way the economy actually works
normative economics
makes prescriptions about the way the economy should work
business cycle
the short-run alternation between economic downturns and economic upturns
a very deep and prolonged downturn
periods of economic downturns when output and employment are falling
periods of economic upturns when output and employment are rising
the number of people currently employed in the economy
the number of people who are actively looking for work but aren’t currently employed
labor force
the sum of employment and unemployment
unemployment rate
the percentage of the labor force that is unemployed
the quantity of gps and services produced
aggregate output
the economy’s total production of goods and services for a given time period
rising overall price level
falling overall price level
economic growth
an increase in the maximum amount of goods and services an economy can produce
a simplified representation used to better understand a real-life situation
the other things equal assumption/ceteris paribus
all other relevant factors remain unchanged
when one gives up something in order to have something else
production possibilities curve (PPC)
illustrates the trade-offs facing an economy that produces only two goods. it shows the maximum quantity of one good that can be produced for each possible quantity of the other good produced
efficient economy
when there is no way to make anyone better off without making at least one person worse off
the technical means for producing goods and services
providing goods and services to other to receive goods and services in return
gains from trade
people can get more through trade than self-sufficiency
each person specializes in the task that they are good at preforming
comparative advantage
when the opportunity cost of producing something is lower than another individual’s opportunity cost for the producing same thing
absolute advantage
when one individual can produce more of something than the other given the same amount of time and resources
competitive market
where there are many buyers and sellers of the same good or service, none of whom can influence the price at which it is sold
the supply and demand model
a model of how a competitive market works
demand schedule
shows how much of a good or service consumers will be willing and able to buy at different prices
quantity demanded
the actual amount of a good or service consumers are willing and able to buy at some specific price
demand curve
a graphical representation of the demand schedule. it shows the relationship between quantity demanded and price
law of demand
a higher price for a good or service leads people to demand a smaller quantity of it (assuming all other things are equal)
change in demand
a shift of the demand curve, which changes the quantity demanded at any given price
movement along the demand curve
a change in the quantity demanded of a good that is the result of a change in that good’s price
substitute goods
if a rise in the price of one good leads to an increase in demand for the other good
complement goods
if a decrease in the price of one good leads to the increased demand for both goods
normal good
when a rise in income increases the demand for the good
inferior good
when a rise in income decreases the demand for the good (because they can afford better)
individual demand curve
illustrates the relationship between quantity demanded and price for an individual consumer
quantity supplied
the actual amount of a good or service producers are willing to sell at some specific price
supply schedule
how much of a good or service producers will supply at different prices
supply curve
shows the relationship between quantity supplied and price
law of supply
the price and quantity supplied of a good are positively related (assuming all other things are equal)
change in supply
a shift of the supply curve which changed the quantity supplied at any given price
movement along the supply curve
a change in the quantity supplied of a good that is the result of a change in that good’s price
anything that is used to produce a good or service
individual supply curve
illustrates the relationship between quantity supplied and price for an individual producer
in an economic situation when no individual would be better off doing something different
equilibrium quantity
in a competitive market when price is at a level at which the quantity demanded of a good equals the quantity supplied of it.
equilibrium price/market-clearing price
the price of a good where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied
when quantity of a good supplied exceeds the quantity demanded. occurs when the price is above its equilibrium level
when the quantity of a good demanded exceeds the quantity supplied. occurs when the price is below its equilibrium level
price controls
legal restrictions on how high or low a market price may go
price ceiling
a maximum price sellers are allowed to charge for a good/service
price floor
a minimum price buyers are required to pay for a good/service
inefficient allocation to consumers
the effect of price ceilings where people who want the good badly and are willing to pay a high price don’t get it, where those who want it less and are only willing to pay a relatively low price do get it
black market
a market in which goods or services are bought and sold illegally. usually because it is illegal to sell at all, or because the prices charged are legally prohibited by a price ceiling
minimum wage
a legal floor on the wage rate, which is the market price of labor
inefficient allocation of sales among sellers
the effect of price floors where sellers who would be willing to sell the good at the lowest price are not always the ones who manage to sell it
quality control/quota
an upper limit on the quantity of some good that can be bought or sold
gives its owner the right to supply a certain good or service
demand price
the price at which consumers will demand a given quantity
supply price
the price at which producers will supply a given quantity
a gap between the demand price and supply price, driven in by the quantity control/quota. the price paid by buying higher than the price received by sellers
quota rent
the difference in a wedge, where the excess money is the cost to rent out a license. also the market price of the license when traded
deadweight loss
the lost gains associated with transactions that do not occur due to market intervention
national income and product accounts/ national accounts
keeps track of the flows of money between different sectors of the economy
a person or group of people who share an income
an organization that produces goods and services for sale
product markets
where goods and services are bought and sold
factor markets
where resources, especially capital and labor, are bought and sold
consumer spending
household spending on goods and services
a share in the ownership of a company held by a shareholder
a loan in the form of an IOU that pays interest
government transfers
payments that the government makes to individuals without expecting a good or service in return
disposable income
is the total amount of household income available to spend on consumption and to save. equal to income+government transfers-taxes
private savings
disposable income that is not spend on consumption. equal to disposable income-consumer spending
financial markets
the banking, stock, and bond markets which channel private savings and foreign lending into investment spending, government borrowing, and foreign borrowing
government borrowing
the amount of funds borrowed by the government in the financial markets
government purchases of goods and services
total expenditures on goods and services by federal, state, and local governments
goods and services sold to other countries
goods and services purchased from other countries
stocks of goods and raw materials held to facilitate business operations