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Which parts were most associated with the increasing prison population
Probability of prison admission given arrest and time served in prison
What contribute most to the prison population?
Prosecution rate
Why do we care about what caused mass incarceration
Why doesn’t the argument incarceration increased because crime increased work?
But, the prison population kept growing after the crime rate started decreasing in mid-1990s
Why doesnt the Prison-Asylum Link explain the increasing incarceration rate
Research shows that deinstitutionalization was responsible for only about 4% of prison growth
Why doesnt the crack epidemic explain mass incarceration?
The crack epidemic diminished since the early 1990s while incarceration rate continued to grow
What explains the mass incarceration rate according to Pfaf
The role of prosecutor in mass incarceration
Brown v Plata
Supreme Court case required CA to reduce the prison population by 25%
Public Safety Realignment Act
created to reduce prison population in CA by reserving prison for certain types of offenders. (ex. violent, serious, sexual), reducing admission for probation and parole violation, reducing recidivism rates
What is the formula for prison population?
crime rate + probability of arrest given crime + probability prison admission given arrest + time served