Election of 1932
republicans renominate Herbert Hoover, Democrat
Election of 1936
Roosevelt wins and defeats Alf Landon, Roosevelt won every state but Vermont and Maine
Social Security Act
(August 1935) help elderly/unemployed workers receive benefits by paying premiums and welfare payments to nose who need it (poor families, disabilities, etc..)
Civilian Conservation Corp
put young men to work outdoors, learn work skills, forest
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp
Harry Hopkins, channels money to state and local government
Home Owners’ Loan Corp
buy up mortgages restructure at lower interest rates, must ave a job
clean water act, restore and maintain clean and healthy waters
public works administration, highways, sewers, dams, schools, etc…, government insists on hiring all races, break trade, barriers in all industries
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
abolish child labor, protection for workers, 25 cent/hr, 40 hour work week
Wagner Act (NLRB)
workers have the right to organize unions and bargain collectively
Broker State
role of the government to work out conflicts between interest groups
Sit Down Strike
stop working, refuse to leave factory
Deficit Spending
borrow money to pay for programs
Gold Standard
investors choose to take money out prior to convert it to gold before it loses value
Federal Number One
controversial but they “gotta eat too”, finance plays, murals and symphonies, etc…, offers work to artists, musicians, etc…
Agricultural Adjustment Act
government pays farmers NOT to grow crops
Congress of Industrial Organizations
becomes federation of unions, sought to organize all industrial unions many industries, focus: steel, automobiles
political mistakes, trying to give more power to executive, causes conservative Democrats to work with republicans to oppose New Deal legislation, Roosevelt cut budget as unemployment suddenly surged, introduced new programs to help unions (1935), won second term
Harry Hopkins
FDIC, deputy to FDR, directed New Deal relief programs
Dr. Francis Townsend
supports monthly check to citizens, left wing critic of New Deal
Henry Morgenthau
treasury secretary, wants to cut budget
Frances Perkins
secretary of labor, 1st woman appointed to a cabinet post
John Maynard Keynes
“Keynesian” economics, gov should spend heavily during a recession to jump starts the economy
Huey Long
senator Louisiana, left wing critic of the New Deal, Democratic, supports share our wealth programs
New deal
success: put people back to work, saved capitalism, restored faith in tje economic system, revived hope in American people
Disappointment: war debts, high tariffs, failed regulation, Roosevelt did not recognize that the Great Depression was mostly caused by the government itself
Political Progress vs Mistakes
Mistakes: FDR, meddling to give more power to executive, conservative democrats work with republicans to oppose New Deal legislation
Background of FDR
grew up outdoors, Harvard and Columbia Law, competitive, charming, persuasive, NY state senator (1910), assistant secretary of Havy through WWI under Wilson , developed polio (1921), supporter of Alfred E. Smith (1924)
New Deal
series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt
bank holiday
close banks before runs put out of business
First Hundred Days
FDR initiated a series of laws which transformed the US
Fireside Chats
Keep Americans informed by radio, assures people banks are safe, deposits outweigh withdrawals, banking crisis over
Securities Exchange Commission SEC
regulate the stock market and prevent fraud
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corp
provide government insurance for bank deposits up to a certain amount
AAA Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Over two year period production cut back, prices and income for farmers up
union members bring complaints to neutral party, they decide
safety net
safeguards and economic relief which protected average Americans from economic disaster
court packing
justices were “overburdened” with work, add additional justices to court to change polticial balance (worked for 10 years and 70+), Causes conservative Demcorats to work with republicans to oppose New Deal legislation