1885 - 1952
Born near Hamburg, Germany
Encouraged to study medicine by her mother
Received her degree from University of Berlin
Experienced challenges of having a career and children
Moved to US in 1932
Reaction to Freud
Humans motivated by need for security and love, not by sex and aggression
Influence of gender experience
More emphasis on social factors in influencing personality
Level of warmth can affect personality
Social forces in childhood, not biological forces influence personality
No universal stages of development
Childhood is dominated by need for security and freedom from fear
Parents foster security by treating the child with warmth and affection
Normality of personality development direct function of level of warmth and affection received by parents
Pervasive feeling of loneliness and helplessness
Foundation of neurosis
4 ways we protect ourselves in childhood from basic anxiety:
Securing love and affection
Being submissive
Attaining power
Irrational defenses against anxiety that become a permanent part of personality and that affect behavior
Encompass the 4 ways of protecting ourselves against anxiety
10 Neurotic Needs
Affection and approval (gaining affection)
A dominant partner (submissive)
Power (attaining power)
Exploitation (attaining power)
Prestige (attaining power)
Admiration (attaining power)
achievement/ambition (attaining power)
Self-sufficiency (withdrawing)
Perfection (withdrawing)
Narrow limits to life (withdrawing)
3 categories of behaviors and attitudes toward oneself and others that express a person’s needs
Neurotic persons are compelled to act based on one of the neurotic trends:
Movement toward others (compliant personality)
Primary Modes of Relating to Others
Moving toward (compliance): accepting one’s helplessness and becoming compliant
Basic Orientations toward Life
Self-effacing solution: an appeal to be loved
Neurotic Trends
Exaggerated need for affection and approval
Need for a dominant power
Movement against others (aggressive personality)
Primary Modes of Relating to Others
Moving against (hostility): rebelling and resisting others to protect one’s self from a threatening environment
Basic Orientations toward Life
Self-expansive solution: a striving for mastery
Neurotic Trends
Exaggerated need for power
Need to exploit others
Exaggerated need for social recognition/prestige
Exaggerated need for personal admiration
Exaggerated ambition for personal achievement
Movement away from others (detached personality)
Primary Modes of Relating to Others
Moving away (detachment): isolating one’s self to avoid involvement with others
Basic Orientations toward Life
Resignation solution: a desire to be free of others
Neurotic Trends
Need to restrict one’s self within narrow boundaries
Exaggerated need for self-sufficiency and independence
Need for perfection and unassailability
Normal People
Built on flexible, realistic, assessment of one’s abilities
Neurotic People
Inflexible, unrealistic, self-appraisal
Tyranny of the Shoulds
Used by neurotics to attain the idealized self
Deny true self and behave in terms of what we think we should be doing
Reduce conflict caused by discrepancy between ideal and actual self
Psychological theory that focuses on women’s experiences
Womb Envy
Women have a superior role in sexual life due to ability to bear and nurse children; men experience intense envy
Impressive achievements of men in creative fields may be seen as compensations for inability to bear children
Theory of personality not as well constructed as Freudian theory
Ignores roles of Sociology and Anthropology in influencing personality
Observations too influenced by middle class America
Contribution to Feminist Psychology
Influence on Erikson and Maslow
More optimistic view of personality than Freud
Accounts for social factors in shaping personality