Energy: The ability to do work.
Work equals the product of the distance an object travels and the component of the force acting on that object-directed parallel to the object’s direction of motion.
One newton. meter is called a joule, abbreviated as 1 J.
Work and energy are scalar.
Work can be negative if the force is applied in the direction opposite displacement.
Kinetic energy is the energy of motion.
The kinetic energy of an object equals one-half the object’s mass times its speed squared.
Potential energy: Energy of position
Gravitational PE is described by the following equation:
U = mgh
Write out all the terms for the initial energy of the system
Set the sum of those terms equal to the sum of all the terms for the final energy of the system..
W in this equation stands for work done on an object.
Include this W term only when there is friction (or some other external force) involved.
The force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to the amount that the spring is compressed.
k is a constant (called the spring constant)
x is the distance that the spring has been compressed or extended from its equilibrium state.
A negative sign explains that the force of spring always acts opposite to displacement
Once the potential energy of an object is found as a function of position, making a U vs. x graph explains the long-term motion of the object.
The potential energy of a spring looks like a parabola.
Imagine that Chris is riding a skateboard on a ramp shaped like a graph.
If he starts from some height above the bottom, Chris will oscillate back and forth, going fastest in the middle, and turning around when he runs out of energy at the right or left end
Although this is not precisely how a mass on a spring moves, the long-term properties of Chris’s motion and the motion of the mass on a spring is the same.
The mass oscillates back and forth, with its fastest speed in the middle, just like Chris does.
Strategy to solve: