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Can discover truth without the need to consider Gods involvement
The Natural Selection Theory came into direct opposition with the Catholic Church in the 19th century (true or false)
Darwin’s findings
Many species were unique to their geographic areas and some species appeared to be slightly different to accommodate variances in their environments
Natural selection
Organisms avoid extinction by developing traits over time that enable species to thrive and produce more offspring
The Origin of Species
Darwin’s best-known work about natural selection
According to its official teaching, Catholics must read scripture with the presumption that the whole Bible is a single literary genre (true or false)
Atheistic evolution
Species developed due to random forces that were either not initiated or allowed to develop through God’s grace
Catholic Church doesn’t say when the human person was created, insists there’s a point in history that the human person was created as endowed with a body and soul (true or false)
Catholics would say that religion answers questions about faith and science answers questions about reason (true or false)
Humani Generis by Pius XII 1950
Body and soul brought together to form the human person, body and soul together until eternity