Chemicals produced in the glands of the endocrine system which are released into the bloodstream. They bind to target cells which affect behaviour.
A hormone produced in the adrenal glands as a response to stress.
Plays a role in fight-or-flight situations, increasing glucose to provide more energy.
Binds to receptors in the hippocampus for memory formation.
Binds to receptors in the amygdala for emotional reactions.
Cortisol Levels and Effects
Moderate Cortisol Levels —> Improved Memory for Stressful Events
Prolonged High Cortisol Levels —> Impaired STM, LTM and Hippocampal Atrophy
Testability for Theory
Animal Research —> Cause-and-Effect, difficulty generalizing findings to humans.
Human Research —> Correlational
Reductionist Approach
Arguing that hormones are the sole cause for behaviours is reducitonist as it ignores cognitive and sociocultural factors.
Newcomer et al (1999)
Study shows that high levels of cortisol impairs formation verbal declarative memory.
Meaney et al (1988)
Study shows that high levels of glucocortioids in rats’ early lives impair formation of spatial memories and lead to hippocampal atrophy later in their lives.