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relaxation of LES and pass of gastic into esophagus
GER freq increases if
eshophagial atresia
diapgragmatic hernia
anterior abdo wall defects
hiatal hernia
neumotor retardation
antireflux anatomic barriers
angle of his
pinchcock effect of diaphgram
intraabdo esophagus
phrenoesophageal membrane
antireflux physio barriers
peristalsis of esophagus and normal stomach emptying
GER signs
vomiting mc
aspiration→tekrarlayan AC hastalıkları, stridor
iron def anemia
dysphagia→scar tissue
failure to thrive and malnutrition
barretts esophagus olana kadar reversible
GER dx
upper gi contrast
24h pH moniterization: GS
GER tx
conservative: freq and small V feeding, upright position
surgery: if no response to medical, complication, anatomic anomaly, mental retard
GER medical tx
H2 receptor blocker: cimetidine, rantidine
prokinetics: domperidone, metoclopramide
ger surgery
fundoplication: alt ES’nin basıncını arttırıyo
NİSSEN: dalaktaki short gastric damarlara bağlayıp mide fundusunu özafagusa bağlıyorum
sliding hiatal hernia
GER: HİS bozuldu, frenoözafagial lig basınçtan çıkmış
paraesophagial hernia
gastric volvulus, incarceration, or strangulation
hiatal hernia tx
suergery: NİSSAN fundoplication ve hiatusu daralt
failure of LES relaxation, motility disorder
functional obstr proximalde dilatasyon
achalasia signs
vomiting and regurgitation
weight loss
achalasia dx
upper gi contrast stude: dilated esophagus, insuff peristaltic act, distal: bird beak
manometry: LES P measurement
achalasia tx medical
ca channel blocker nifedipin
achalasia endoscopic tx
baloon dilatation (perforation risk, GER, dysphagia)
botox injection
achalasia tx surgery
standard esophagomyotomy (HELLER) and anterior duplicationi
infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
mc reason of gi obst infants, pilor kasında hipertirofi ve hiperplazi
first male baby of the family
infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis history
3-6weeks old, nonbilious projectile vomiting soon after the feeds
infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis PE
pyloric mass in RUQ (OLIVE)
visible gastric peristalsis
dehydration (late)
infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosic metabolic
hypochloremic hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis
paradoxial aciduria
infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis dx
history and olive palpation
USG and erect abdo xray
infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis tx presur
stop oral feeds, NGT
bolus (20cc/kg) kristaloid
5-10% dektroz+0.45 or 0.09 NaCl + K (after urine output)
monitor cardiac act, 1ccde 40’ı geçme
infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis surgery
fredet-ramstedt pyloromyotomy
bronchogenic cyst
from foregut ayrılma sırasında anomali
radio: single cyst, round oval mass
usually asymptomatic
congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation
a single lobe abnormal, pulmonary hypoplasia
congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation 1
multiple large, mc, good prog
congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation 2
multiple small w renal agenesis
congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation 3
adenomatous solid
congenital lober emphysema
lobar hyperinflation, congenital bronchial stenosis, def in cartilage of bronchial wall
male x3, left upper lobe
respi insufficiency
pectus axcavatum, funnel chest
mc, male, cosmetic
vacuum bell application
pectus carinatum, pigeon chest
unilat chest wall deficit
sternal defects
sternal fusion deficiency
cervical ectopia cordis
theracal ectopia cordis
thoracoabdominal ectopia cordis
congenital diaphragmatic hernia
postero-lat diapgragmatic defect
bochdalec hernia
daha ağır
morgagni hernia
retrosternal, ass anomalies, generally asymp
congenital diaphragmatic hernia embryo
persistency of canalis pleuro-peritonealis, 8-10w
congenital diaphragmatic hernia patho
pulmonary hypoplasia, bronchial branching and alveoli
congenital diaphragmatic hernia clinic
polihidroamniosis→bad prognosis
resp stress, cyanosis, tachypnea
heart sounds on the right
bowel sounds on the left
congenital diaphragmatic hernia dx
prenatal US, xray, upper gi contnrast
congenital diaphragmatic hernia prognosis
degree of pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary HT
congenital diaphragmatic hernia tx
resp support
NGT: intestinal decomp
urinary catheterization
medications to reduce pht: inhaled no, sildenafil, tolazoline
ECMO mechanical lung
congenital diaphragmatic surgery
laporptomy, thoracotomy
morgagni hernia dx
barium enama
eventration of the diaphragm
1 kubbenin ötekinden daha yukarıda olması, nedenleri:
congenital aplasia or maldevelopment of diaphragm
paralysis of phrenic nerve
resp disrress, recurrent pulm infections
tx: diaphragmic pliacation
thyroglossal cyst
mc neck lesion, remnants of the thyroglossal duct
hyoid midline: dilini çıkarınca yukarı hareket ediyor
dd: ectopic thyroid
thyroglossal cyst surgery
sistrunk’s: hyoid ortasını çıkar
1st branchial cyst
auditory canal
2nd brancial cyst
most common, ant of SCM-tonsillar fossa
3 ve 4 brancial cyts
ant of clavicula
brancial cyst signs
mucoid secretion, lumps in neck
dx by US
tx by surgical excision
congenital muscular torticollis
fibrosis ile iyileşen eğri boyun
congenital muscular torticollis surgery
FT ve bipolar tenotomy
cystic higroma
congenital neck lesions
cystic higroma tx
alcohol solution and bleomycin
most common tm
1 yaşına kadar hızlı büyür, 10 senede çözülür
hemangioma complications
ulceration, bleeding, infection
life thratening (resp cardiac)
kasabach-merittt syndrome (thrombocytopenia and hemangioma)
hemangioma tx
streroid, propranolol
neural crest cells: adrenal medulla and sympath ganglia
2 years when dx
ass anomalies: hirschsprungs, type 1 neurofibromatosis
neuroblastoma symptoms
horner’s synd, sup vena cava syn
vipoma: tx dirençli susu idrar
paraspinal tm: spinal cord compression
cilt altı nodül
panda eyes
neuroblastoma dx
CT and MRI for surgical exicision
neuroblastoma lab
ferritin, LDH yükselir
neuronspecific enolase NSE
stage IV
disease in liver skin or bone marrow
iyi prognoz regrese olabiliyo
kemik met yok!
neuroblastoma tx
vascular lesion→unresectable
trucut biopsy for chemo
ectoderm endoderm and mesoderm
teratoma sacrococcygeal
alpha fetoprotein