ANC leader
A dominant figure in the liberation movement (1948-1964)
Helped compose the Freedom Charter
Firm believer in a non-racial approach as his politics swung to the left
Revitalized the party in the late 40s through his activism in the Youth League
Lead the Defiance Campaign (1952)
Was necessary for uniting South Africans of races through his advocacy of the COP
Forefront of black opposition to apartheid
End the Apartheid regime and institute a non-racial democratic system.
Expand membership to poorer Africans → end perception of elitist party
Represent the interest of all Africans, especially Black
Show the Whites that Black people were civilized and respectable
Worthy of greater political inclusion
One of the four classifications of race in South Africa during Apartheid
Referred to those who were mixed-race
Worked among the Congress of the People (COP) to draft the Freedom Charter and some were also a part of the ANC
Not the leading force behind the liberation movement but were contributors nonetheless
Sharpeville incident → independence from other groups → Emergence of the Pan Africanist Congress PAC
Judged it could take advantage of accumulated public rage and act on its own against the past laws
Led by Robert Sobukwe → split off of the ANC
Impact on government:
Unrelated to any political party → more dangerous
Thousands of Africans joining together in a mass demonstration with no fears threatened the basis of the apartheid regime
Armed wing of the ANC
Created for sabotage operations against apartheid state
Nelson Mandela persuaded ANC leaders of MK
Co-founded by Nelson Mandela in the wake of the Sharpeville massacre
Mission → fight against the South African government by economically destabilizing the government (aiming to destroy expensive infrastructure)
Outlawed the procreation and sexual relations between "members of different races"
Influenced the lives of the black population due to the racial segregation.
A man would be arrested (along with his partner) if they were caught together and belonged to different races.
Made to prevent the "degeneration" of the pure white population
Coordinated nationwide campaigns and protests organized by the ANC → "civil disobedience"
Earlier attempts failed → had to find a more effective response to the apartheid laws
Authorities had shown no inclination to engage the ANC in dialogue
They wanted to make the government repeal six laws
Alliance of anti-apartheid congress movements; ANC being the largest
Create a singular unit front by uniting all South Africa's racial groups in the fight against apartheid
Expand membership and social support base of ANC → involve poorer Africans
Draft a Freedom Charter: encapsulate the political goals of the congress movements + democratic aspirations of all
Consolidate ANC's plan with the involvement of other parties and racial groups → avoid exclusion of any community
White policeman opened fire on a crowd of demonstrators
Altered course of liberation struggle
ANC → abandoned peaceful resistance → embraced armed struggle
Change in global opinion
Country's international isolation began in earnest
Economic sanctions were applied
Strong pressure form independent states → SA forced out of British
Commonwealth → became a republic in 1961
Named after resistance movement's "safe house" in Liliesleaf Farm
Used by senior leaders of the ANC and SACP
July 1963 → Liliesleaf Farm raided
Police found "Operation Mayibuye" → Revolutionary guerilla war to be waged by MK
October 1963 → trial began
Accused agreed that since they considered the trial to be political, would not appeal to death penalty
June 1964 → everyone except Lionel Bernstein were guilty of all charges → life imprisonment in Robben Island Prison
Government officially broke ANC and MK
Series of legal processing against the accused began → Treason Trial
Government argued that the COP wanted to replace the National Convention (1908-1909), the body responsible for the union constitution in 1910
The Freedom Charter was an embryonic constitutional document for a new South Africa → treason against the state
Charges proved insubstantial
1961 → all the accused were absolved of treason
156 arrested, including Nelson Mandela
The Natives Act of 1952
Enforced segregation
Changed passes to more official documents → 96 pages
Controlled black people, such as if they are traveling, changing jobs, etc
It was a criminal offense if black people did not carry their pass books to get identified by the police
Any white person could ask to view a black person's pass
Made it impossible for schools to admit students of multiple racial groups
Education of Africans under direct control of the government
Content adjusted depending on authorities' decision on the necessity of intellectual capacities → blacks received inferior one
Insufficient academic equipments for blacks and no professional qualification
Foster a sense of tribal identity → separate tribal development
Predominantly black neighborhood located west of the city of Johannesburg
Apartheid anomaly
Obvious Target:
Packed with illegal drinking establishments and music halls
Creative and cultural hub
Centre of intellectual and political activity (ANC frequently held meetings and rallies there, many anti-apartheid activists)
January 1955 → initiation of Western Removal Scheme
Sophiatown was razed to the ground
Statement of core principles of the South African Congress Alliance
Consisted of the ANC and its allies → the South African Indian Congress, the South African Congress of Democrats, and the Coloured People's Congress
Proclaimed ''South Africa belongs to all who live in it" and that "all shall be equal before the law"
Changed criminal justice system and encompassed a lot of communists beliefs → indirectly condemned the minority white rule of South Africa
Triggered by bus raise from 4 to 5 pence
Resulted in hundreds of thousands involved in the boycott
First time of widespread and sympathetic coverage in white media
Example of non-violent protest
The leading political party before the 1948 elections (from which the National Party took power)
Were also white supremacists, did not extend their actions to the extent of Apartheid
Lost the 1948 election due to their association with the Great Depression and their pro-British stance in WWII (the National Party was in favor of the Germans and their policies of racial cleansing)
South African Communist Party
Opposition to the National Party, yet never gained mass sympathy or power due to its repression and the population's disdain towards Communist ideals;
Were a part of the COP, views influenced some of the clauses on the Freedom Charter -> made the government and population more critical and less persuaded by it;
Others in the movement disliked them as they were "ruining" its image and was a mostly white party
Africans prohibited from owning or renting → could only live in native reserve territory
Areas selected soon became overcrowded and impoverished
Africans could reside outside reserves if employed by whites
Illegal for whites to marry people of other races, together with outlawing sexual relations and procreation between different populations.
If suspected → police would burst into the house to catch the couple
If successful → blacks convicted of miscegenation would get harsher punishments than their white partners
The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle.
Apartheid similar to social Darwinist philosophies
President-general of the ANC from 1952 until his death in 1967
Non-violence was the only viable strategy in opposing apartheid → highlight the moral injustice
One of the key organizers of the Defiance Campaign
First global icon of the South African liberation movement
Formulated the overall strategy of the movement
Afrikaans term used during Apartheid by white South Africans that described their social, political, and economic domination of the country
Equated to white-supremacy → those who held this ideal supported racial segregation in all societal spheres to promote "racial purity"
Brought to an end the allowing of a small number of universities to have students of all races registered in their courses
Only one racial group, or racial tribe, could be admitted.
Inferior quality in non-white universities.
Each race had its own educational facility → self-contained political and economic units for each
Act removed one of the few areas of society that could resist apartheid attacks
Extended the rules of segregation
Natives were now forced to use separate entrances for public places and services
Bus stops, recreational areas, shops
More separate areas for whites and non-whites
City centers as whites-only residences
Since Africans were “rural” people, the exposure to cities would result in a social order breakdown
Friendships between whites and non-whites were hard to keep → no longer occupied the same civic spaces
Public humiliation