Final Superquiz Biology

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<p>Categorize this life cycle: Remember ask the 2 questions</p>

Categorize this life cycle: Remember ask the 2 questions

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<p>Categorize this life cycle: Remember ask the 2 questions</p>

Categorize this life cycle: Remember ask the 2 questions

Diploid dominant

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<p>Categorize this life cycle: Remember ask the 2 questions</p>

Categorize this life cycle: Remember ask the 2 questions

Haploid dominant

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Sponges reproduce after spawning, when the sperm leaves out of the excurrent syphon. These sperm can then swim into the porocytes of another sponge. Once there the sperm transforms one choanocyte and can then fertilize another choanocyte. This is a complicated life cycle that relies on ____ fertilization


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Which animal phyla has no distinct germ layers?


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Which of the following phyla have the ability to deliver a venomous sting or bite


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Using similarities in body symmetry and other anatomical features to assign an organism to a clade involves

  1. cladistics based on body plan

  2. molecular-based phylogeny

  3. morphology-based phylogeny

1 & 3

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Bacteria use ____ to recombine genes

Horizontal gene transfer

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The ___ hypothesis suggests that viruses “escaped” from protocells or early simple cells


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Which Chordate group uses incurrent and excurrent siphons to create water flow to filter for food?

Urochordates (sea squirts)

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With its two siphons and a filter, a sea squirt (urochordate) obtains food most like a


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Which of the following was derived from an ancestral photosynthetic cyanobacterium?


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Plastids that are surrounded by more than two membranes are evidence of

secondary endosymbiosis

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There is still some controversy among biologists about whether Neanderthals should be placed within the same species as modern humans or into a separate species of their own. Most DNA sequence data analyze so far indicate that theere was interbreeding between Neanderthals and humans; however, it appears to have been limited and mostly unidirectional (Neanderthal genes are present in Homo sapiens DNA, but there exists little to no evidence of the DNA of Homo sapiens in the small number of genomes sequenced from Neanderthal fossils.

Which species concept is most applicable as a method of analysis of this example


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<p>Traditionally, whales and hippopotamuses have been classified <span>in different orders, the Cetacea and the Artiodactyla, respectively. Recent molecular evidence, however, indicates that the whales' closest living relatives are the hippos. This has caused some zoologists to lump the two orders together into a single clade, the Cetartiodactyla. There is no consensus on whether the Cetartiodactyla should be accorded order status or superorder status. This is because it remains unclear whether the whale lineage diverged from the lineage leading to the hippos before or after the other members of the order Artiodactyla (pigs, camels, etc.) diverged (see Figure 20.5).</span></p><p><span>Placing whales and hippos in the same clade means that </span></p>

Traditionally, whales and hippopotamuses have been classified in different orders, the Cetacea and the Artiodactyla, respectively. Recent molecular evidence, however, indicates that the whales' closest living relatives are the hippos. This has caused some zoologists to lump the two orders together into a single clade, the Cetartiodactyla. There is no consensus on whether the Cetartiodactyla should be accorded order status or superorder status. This is because it remains unclear whether the whale lineage diverged from the lineage leading to the hippos before or after the other members of the order Artiodactyla (pigs, camels, etc.) diverged (see Figure 20.5).

Placing whales and hippos in the same clade means that

they had a common ancestor

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Meiosis as part of the alternation of generations in land plants, produces

haploid spores

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CAM plants keep stomata closed in daytime, thus reducing loss of water. They can do this because they

Fix CO2 into organic acids during the night when temperatures are cooler

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During the ___ carbon dioxide is converted into larger carbon chains or sugars

calvin cycle

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Based on this cladogram, all mammals are ___ all reptiles

sister taxa to

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<p><span>The four mammal forelimbs below all contain similar bones, just modified for different functions. These appendages share an evolutionary history, they evolved from an ancestral feature. Therefore they are ______ structures.&nbsp;</span></p>

The four mammal forelimbs below all contain similar bones, just modified for different functions. These appendages share an evolutionary history, they evolved from an ancestral feature. Therefore they are ______ structures. 


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Darwinian evolution represented a paradigm shift by breaking centuries of thought. Which of the following was also a paradigm shift?

  • Plate tectonics and continental drift

  • Heliocentric model of the solar system

  • Germ Theory of Disease

All of these are shifts

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Humans and all other mammals have a(n) ____ life cycle

Diploid dominant

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Gametes recombine in the ___ step of sexual reproduction which creates a ____


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Vascular bundle arrangment is variable, with early plants having a central system and the more advanced land plants showing two distinct arrangements, ___ in the Gymnosperms and Eudicots and ___ bundles in Monocots

Rings; scattered

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The tree rings in this image show the growing conditions throughout the tree’s life. What does the black mark in the center represent?

Scar from forest fire

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What characteristics are shared by all land plants? Select all that apply

  1. Spores with tough outer coat

  2. cuticle

  3. multicellular 2n embryo

  4. mycorrhizal symbionts

  5. alternation of generations

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<p>In the simplified tree, which group is most dependent on water for both sex and growth?</p>

In the simplified tree, which group is most dependent on water for both sex and growth?


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Some coral rely on a ____ relationship with dinoflagellate protists, the zooxanthellae


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Sponges are most accurately described as

filter feeders

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Protists are incredibly diverse forming at least 8 ____ compared to the better known animals, plants, and fungi


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Eukaryotes are monophyletic and all contain ____, which stores and protects their genetic information.


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Radiometric dating is based on the

decay of radioactive isotopes

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The origin of all matter (stars, elements, planets, and life) began approximately 13GYA in a ____

Big Bang

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Sea urchins are ____ and achieve fertilization through ___

dioecious; spawning

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The ___ and ___ are both synapomorphies of Chordates

Notochord; dorsal hollow nerve cord

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During development the blastopore of a Whale Shark first develops into the ___ and then the rest of the body.


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The spawning process that sponges use to reproduce is analogous to ____

wind dispersal of pollen in gymnosperms

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Some fishes exhibit ____ hermaphroditism and change sex from Female to Male and back to Female, if the conditions are right


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<p>In this diagram the red arrows are targeting the release from what gland?ovar</p>

In this diagram the red arrows are targeting the release from what gland?ovar


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Which of the following traits is not a main feature of all animals

haploid-dominant life cycle, with larva

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During development animals grow from a single diploid zygote into many cells during ____


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Most mollusks lay eggs which then hatch into a _____ a free-swimming larvae with its own complete gut.


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Off the coast of what country can you find Queen Conch grazing on Sea Grass Beds?


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Which of these phyla has no coelom?


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Both elephantitis and carrot root disease are caused by infections from nematodes. What organ system (or tissue class) of these organism is most likely being infected?

Vascular or circulatory tissue

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When tetrapods came onto land they needed to develop

lungs & limbs

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With its two siphons and a filter, a sea squirt (urochordate) obtains food most like a ____


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The holdfast of a tapeworm is located in the ____, a modified head segment


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An elementary school science teacher decided to liven up the classroom with a saltwater aquarium. Knowing that saltwater aquaria can be quite a hassle, the teacher proceeded stepwise. First, the teacher conditioned the water. Next, the teacher decided to stock the tank with various marine invertebrates, including a sea star, a sponge, a sea urchin, a jellyfish, several hermit crabs, some sand dollars, and an ectoproct. Last, she added some vertebrates–a parrotfish and a clownfish. She arranged for daily feedings of copepods and feeder fish.

One day, Tommy (a student in an undersupervised class of 40 fifth graders) got the urge to pet Nemo (the clownfish), who was swimming among the waving petals of a pretty underwater "flower" that had a big hole in the midst of the petals. Tommy giggled upon finding that these petals felt sticky. A few hours later, Tommy was in the nurse's office with nausea and cramps. Microscopic examination of his fingers would probably have revealed the presence of

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Animals with three well-defined germ layers and that have one solid mass of tissue rather than tissues and organs nestled inside a body cavity are 

acoelomate and triploblastic

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Why are turtles able to eat sponges regardless of spicule type?

sea turtles have thick skin covered in scales and this protects even their mouths and tongue

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<p>Based on this figure Annelids have a complete ___ and it forms a(n) ___</p>

Based on this figure Annelids have a complete ___ and it forms a(n) ___

gut; tube-within-a-tube

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Bacteria have ___ regions of nucleic acids


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<p>The tadpole larva of an Ascidian Sea Squirt is missing which trait of chordates?</p>

The tadpole larva of an Ascidian Sea Squirt is missing which trait of chordates?

None of the chordate synapomorphic traits are missing (post anal tail, notochord, and pharyngeal slits)

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Tunicate larva have very rudimentary eyespots, the adult Sea Squirts have ___

no eyes

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The ___ explains how some organelles have internal membranes and their own DNA

endosymbiont theory

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Biologists think that endosymbionts gave rise to mitochondria before plastids partly because

all eukaryotes have mitochondria (or their remnants), whereas many eukaryotes don’t have plastids

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<p>In figure 20.6 below, which similarly inclusive taxon descended from the same common ancestor as Canidae?</p>

In figure 20.6 below, which similarly inclusive taxon descended from the same common ancestor as Canidae?


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<p>The tree above is based on which type of traits and what is the genus name for the most recent horse?</p>

The tree above is based on which type of traits and what is the genus name for the most recent horse?

Morphological; Equus

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<p>Categorize the life cycle depicted below. Hint: Hydra are animals (not plants or protists)</p>

Categorize the life cycle depicted below. Hint: Hydra are animals (not plants or protists)

Asexual (Notice budding)

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Climate research indicates that anthropogenic activities ___ atmospheric carbon dioxide levels


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Plants that partition their photosynthetic pathways temporally are known as __ plants

CAM [Crassulacean acid metabolism] (temporally separate carbon fixation and the Calvin Cycle)

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<p>Using this phylogenetic tree, which character state separates the sister genera Homo (humans) and Pan?</p>

Using this phylogenetic tree, which character state separates the sister genera Homo (humans) and Pan?

chromosome 5 inversion

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<p>The three organisms below all use forelimbs to swim through the water. These appendages do not share an evolutionary history, they evolved from different features. Therefore they are ___ structures.</p>

The three organisms below all use forelimbs to swim through the water. These appendages do not share an evolutionary history, they evolved from different features. Therefore they are ___ structures.


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The major adaptation which fully cemented plants colonization of land and gave us the millions of varieties we see today was

sex inside the cone or flower

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The cuticle of land plants is composed primarily of ___ and prevents ___ of water

wax; loss

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Because sugars and other substances are selectively added to and removed from the phloem, its cells must be ___, and transport in phloem ___ require energy

alive; does

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The transport of water goes within the gradient from root to shoot, in dead ___ cells


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Which of the following functions as both a mouth and an anus in members of the phylum Cnidaria?

GVC (gastrovascular cavity)

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An individual turbellarian contains organs of both sexes, it is called ___ or hermaphroditic


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Which scientist is most credited with explaining how organelles contain their own DNA and have internal membranes?


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The notochord is a flexible rod-shaped structure composed of ___ and located ___ the hollow nerve cord

Collagen; below (dorsal to)

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Early in development the pharyngeal slits primary role was in ___ they acted as a filter collecting materials and nutrients


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During development the blastopore of a whale shark first develops into the ___ and then the rest of the body


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which of these components of reproduction is under the greatest pressure from natural selection?

sperm competition

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<p>The picture shows the ___ present in some arachnids</p>

The picture shows the ___ present in some arachnids

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In the USA, the UK and the Nordic countries, a dramatic decrease in age at menarche has occurred over the last 200 years. Unfortunately, this was followed by a dramatic increase in _____, which is now declining and is at record lows in the USA.

Teen pregnancies

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<p><span>How many types of “guts” can triploblastic organisms develop?</span></p>

How many types of “guts” can triploblastic organisms develop?


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<p>What cleavage pattern do diploblastic organisms follow?</p>

What cleavage pattern do diploblastic organisms follow?

NO PATTERN (look at top yellow line)

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The tongue-like, rasping organ in the head of many molluscs is the


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Which mollusk group has primitive sex organs that can also be used for locomotion and prey capture?

Octopi and squids

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Which phyla has no coelom?


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<p>In this image what color is the notochord</p>

In this image what color is the notochord


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When ray-finned fishes invaded the freshwater ecosystems, this presented a new challenge, watersheds can act as reproductive isolating barriers. This has led to _______ within the freshwater fishes of the world.

rapid diversification and speciation

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The most ancient branch point in animal phylogeny is that between

true tissues and no tissues

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Which of these, if true, would support the claim that the ancestral cnidarians had bilateral symmetry?

  1. Cnidarian larvae possess anterior-posterior, left-right, and dorsal-ventral aspects.

  2. Cnidarians have fewer Hox genes than bilaterians.

  3. All extant cnidarians are diploblastic.

  4. All cnidarians are acoelomate.

1 only

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