APUSH Period 7 1890-1945

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describes the expansion of one country’s politcal, economic and military influence over another country

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Purchase of Alaska

in 1867, Russia and Great Britian laid competing claims to this land, willsiam seward (secretary of state for Lincoln and Johnson) proposed the purchase of the territory for 7.2 million

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Seward’s Folly

purchase of alaska was called this because the territory was viewed as a polar ice box with no value, until 1989 when gold was dicovered there

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looked to gold dicovered in Alaska and wanted MORE, thought other places must have other valuable raw materials as well, wanted to secure new markets from American made goods, also took up Social Darwinism

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Reverand Josiah Strong

Wrote “Our Country: It’s possible future and present Crisis” said that the white Anglo-Saxon race was the pinnacle of human evolution and therefore was the fittest to survive, or the Christian duty of the white race to expand itself and bring the glories of Christianity to the “civilized lands”

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Alfred Thayer Mahan

in the book The Influence of Sea Power on History, he argued that any country that was strong on the world stage got that way because they had a robust navy, which was the only way to truely secure foreign markets, because of him congress approved to new steel ships

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Arguments of Anti-Imperialists

believed in self-determination for nations (what argued to reject British rule in the colonies, we’d be becoming what we hated) and that we had a long history of isolationism from foreign affairs because it will bring consequences (G Wash!) would the land we take include those new people as our citizens? (Yuck! we’re nativists, they can’t have rights)

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Cuba before the Spanish-American War

was a Spanish Imperial colony, and in 1895 Cuban nationalists tried to revolt but that didn’t work, led to a lot of US Yellow Journalism

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Yellow Journalism

a group of journalists competing with each other for greater readership, knownly joseph pulitzer and william randolph hearst, exaggerated the atrocities comminted by the Spanish against Cubans, trying to gain american support and readers, caused people to want to intervene in Cuba

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U.S.S Maine

exploded in the Havana Harbor of Cuba in 1898, killing Americans, Americans blamed the Spanish and jumped over with by exaggerating through yellow journalism (wasn’t actually because of Spanish)

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Effects of the Spanish American War

McKinley was president and warned Spain, Spain adhered but wwe still declared war, it was a successful victory though most people died from disease, Cuba won it’s independence from Spain

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Platt Amendment

because american politicians insisted that this be inserted into the cuban constitution, it allowed the US to intervene militarily in Cuba if the American economic interests were threatened, hard for Cuba to conduct its own foreign policy and manage debts

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Annexation of the Philippines from Spain

Teddy Roosevelt ordered ships to charge into the Philippine ports and kick Spain out, then they allied with Filipino nationals and undertook a land invasion that ended in the overthrow of Spain

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Treaty of Paris of 1898

ended the Spanish American war, gave over the Philippines to the US for 20 million

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Emilio Aguinaldo

Filipinos gathered under his leadership because although they thought that the US was granting them freedom after the Spanish American war, that was not the case, they tried to throw off US rule, the US held onto the Philippines until after WWII

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Queen Liliokalani

she was overthrown when she was the Hawaiian monarch in 1893

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Annexation of Hawaii

occured in 1898

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Causes of Open Door Policy

China getting taken over by European nations (economically and carved into European Spheres of influence) because they were suffering thanks to British opium and had yummy raw materials McKinley wanted some of this

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Open Door Policy

John Hay (secretary of state) sent the Open Door Note to the European powers in China asking them to observe an open door of trading privledges with China

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Progressive causes

worked on issues such as growing power of big business, uncertainties in the economy, increasingly violent conflicts between labor groups and their employers, wanted to break control of the politcal machine power, wanted to take on Jim Crow segregation in the South, secure the right for woman to vote and deal with alcohol

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Who were progressives?

all agreed that society on some level, was deterioraiting and the only cure was significant government intervention (church leaders, feminists, black americans, workers)

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what teddy roosevelt called investigative journalists during the Progressive era

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Upton Sinclair

wrote the grotesque story of The Jungle that exposed the unsanitary conditions in the meat packing industry, example of a Muckraker

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Ida Tarbell

published an expose on John D. Rockefeller’s standard oil company

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Jacob Riis

a photojournalist whose book “How the Other Half Lives” exposed the unsanitary and disease ridden living conditions of the poor and working class in NYC’s tenements

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Secret Ballot

progressives wanted to put the power back into the people by voting in secret, prior to this political bosses (like BOSS TWEED) doled out their favors to members of the community in exhange for votes, voting was also done in the plain sight of bosses

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Direction election of senators

because senators being elected by state legislatures had become problematic (too many rich people wanting to keep rich), progressives got the 17th amendment passed which transferred power to the people

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18th amendment

Established American Prohibition, largely woman who fought for this, under the leadership of groups like the Anti-Saloon League and the American Temperance Society, the amendement forbade manufacture and sale of alcohol

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19th Amendment

ratified in 1920, recognized woman’s right to vote

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voters could require legislators to consider a bill that they chose to ignore

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voters themselves could vote on the adoption of proposed laws, like on woman’s suffrage and the prohibition of alcohol

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a way to remove a coorrupt politician before their term was complete

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Frederick Taylor

published a book advocating what he called scientific management (timing workers), make factory work more efficient to increase productivity and earning more profits

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Niagara Movement

led by WEB Dubois who organized the group with other black intellectuals who met frequently to plan protests and acts that would secure rights for the black population

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main two aims were to abolish all forms of segregation and expand educational opportunities for black children

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Theorore/ Teddy Roosevelt

became president because William McKinley got assassinated and then got elected, ran on the Square Deal program, was a trust buster but discriminated between good and bad trusts

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Square Deal

reflected his main goals conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection

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Anthracite Coal Strike

Roosevelt invited both the business and the labor union to the white house and proved he would take neither side

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Sherman Antitrust act

began breaking up monopolistic businesses

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Upton Sinclair

wrote the book The Jungle about the disgusting conditions of the meat packing industry, helped pass laws against unsanitary conditions

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Pure Food and Drug Act

assured consumers that their food and drugs were not misbranded or adulterated

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Meat Inspection Act

assured consumers that meat packing plants would conform to a minimum standard of sanitation

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because industries were growing leading to the destruction of wildlife, Teddy Roosevelt passed laws protecting nature, kept preservationists and conservationists happy

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Forest Reserve Act of 1891

reserved 150 millions acres of unspoiled land

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Long Term causes of world war I

Militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism

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World War I Timeframe

July 1914- November 1918

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Short Term Cause of World War I

Assassination of Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Serbian Nationalists

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Allied Powers

Britain, Russia, France

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Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy

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The United States during the beginning of World War I

Isolation from European wars, neutrality

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Lusitania in 1915

German U-boats sunk the Lusitania, an English passenger ship in a war zone with 128 Americans, event enraged American public and president Woodrow Wilson, did NOT cause America to join the war, just one of the first of many ship sinkings

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What happened because of the extra sinkings of ships by German submarines?

U.S. Threatened to break diplomatic relations with Germany (basically declaring war) so Germany backed off and instead sent out messages that they were going to sink a ship

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Zimmerman Telegram

an intercepted telegram by Britain, it was a note sent to Mexico by Germany telling them to start a war with the United States because they would be able to get back their lost piece of land (Mexican Cession) and once Germany was done in Mexico they would help Mexico regain that land

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April 2, 1917

Woodrow Wilson asked congress to declare war on Germany, claimed they must to war to “Make the world safe for Democracy”

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American Expeditionary Forces

commanded by John J Pershing, took over a portion of the western front, helped tip the balance in favor of the Allies

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Treaty of Versailles

WWI officially ended with this treaty, demanded Germany pay reparations for the war, disarm them, lost territory and give up all overseas colonies, though Wilson wanted to make this end world wars ultimately Wilson came down with the Spanish Flu and was unable to negotiate his Fourteen Points and Britain and France wanted German to suffer

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Wilson’s Fourteen Points

included provisions for the freedom of the seas, Self-determination of nations, league of nations

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League of Nations

proposed by Wilson in his fourteen points, a worldwide representative body where countries could negotiate their problems instead of going to war

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Why did the United States not join the League of nations?

Congress refused to ratify it because constitutional authority to declare war would be stripped away as membership would drag the US into a war without congressional approval

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Total War

when a country mobilizes much of its economic industrial and social resources in order to win

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the division of specific tasks to allow employees to complete assignments as efficiently as possible, developed by Frederick Talor

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War Industries Board

coordinated labor and management to keep factories pumping out war-related materials like armaments and uniforms

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Food Administration in WWI

which ensured that food production was sufficient both for the troops and the citizens at home

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Espionage Act and Sedition Act

together made it a crime to speak badly about the war effort, war or draft

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Schenck v the United States

Charles Schenck and other socialist wrote pamphlets encouraging young men to resist the draft, appeal made it to the supreme court after he was arrested (because what about the first amendment?) Justice Holmes order that freedom of speech was not obsolete, because when speech constitutes a “clear and present danger” then it is constitutional for it to be silenced

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Spanish Flu

reports of its severity were suppressed by the government, forbade publications of the true death count and dangers of the illness because they thought it would damage morale for the war effort

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First Red Scare

Americans feared communism after the Russian revolution and led to Xenophobia and further immigration restrictions

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Palmer Raids

Mitchell Palmer tasked J Edgar Hoover to gather information on suspected radicals (anarchists, communists, socialists, union leaders, etc.) led to mass arrests and deportations

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Emergency Quota Act of 1921 and National Origins Act

acts that set quotas for new immigrants incredibly low (only 3 percent of the population according to 1910 census), especially those from southern and eastern Europe and Asia

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Great Migrations

huge portions of the southern black population migrated to urban centers in search of jobs and less violence from the Jim Crow laws, still the black population did not receive even remotely equal treatment as the north was still discriminant just not as extreme

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Jim Crow Laws

mandated racial segregation in all public facilities in the states of the former Confederate States of America and in some others, beginning in the 1870s, made to do poll taxes and literacy tests, taking away their ability to vote

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Tulsa Race Riots/ Tulsa Massacre

a white woman claimed a black shoe shiner insulted her, in result a white mob quickly assembled to lynch the young man, a group of black people sought to intervene in this, in defiance the white mob destroyed property in the black community (Black Wall Street) leaving many homeless or dead

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Henry Ford

famous for his Model-T, a mass produced car

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Assembly Line

a large conveyor belt that slowly transported the partially built car from worker to worker, each worker would have a specific task, efficient and Model-T prices went down, outcompeting others

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Scientific Management

Frederick Taylor went into companies with a stop watch, timed tasks of workers and made recommendations, led to his Taylorism

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thanks to Sigmond Freud, advertisers learned how to promote their product, through ads that attempted to tap into the consumers subconscious

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Popular Culture

Radio and Cinema reached mass audiences for broad casting and entertainment, the Jazz Singer was the first movie to have synchronized sound and music ending the silent film era, emphasized regional and cultural differences, pointed out distinct differences of urban to rural and white to black culture

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New Opportunities in Urban Centers

New job openings such as nursing, teaching and unskilled laborers (Like the Radium Girls!) still they only received a fraction of the wages that men did

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Rebellious of Woman in the 1920s

cut their hair short, smoked, drinked, wore short dresses (it showed their ankles oh my!) and danced, typically these woman were known as flappers and seen as a symbol of liberation

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Harlem Renaissance

as a result of the Great Migration, a revival of the arts and intellectual persuits of the recently migrated black population, birth of jazz

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Examples of Jazz Musicians

Luis Armstrong, Duke Ellington

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Black Writers of the 1920s

Langston Hughes and Claude McKay both wrote on the black experience in America

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The “Lost Generation”

F. Scott Fitzgerald (writer of the Great Gatsby) Ernest Hemmingway, explored the ideas of the American dream, waste of life and resources in WWI and pursuit of wealth in the Jazz age

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Urban Protestants, faith was large enough to embrace the changing culture with respect to gender roles and Social Darwinism

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Rural Protestants, condemned the degradation of the morals they saw in the city (thought it was evil) thought every word of the bible must be taken seriously

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Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925

In Tennessee it was illegal to teach Darwin’s theory of evolution, but John Scopes taught it anyways and was arrested, he was fined for being guilty but the Supreme Court of Tennessee overturned his conviction and all and all, modernism triumphed over fundamentalism

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Black Tuesday

On October 9, 1929, the stock market crashed

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Cause of the Great Depression

Farmers had overproduced for several years and high tariffs made them in severe debt, stock market was not great due to many buying on margin by borrowing money to buy stocks when the market crashed many were unable to pay their debts back

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Hawley-Smoot Tariff

Herbert Hoover signed this to protect U.S. farmers from foreign competition by increasing tariffs on certain foreign goods, increased tariffs after the Fordney-McCumber Act

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Great Depression Effects

banks foreclosed which left many homeless, many took up residence in Hoovervilles which were tented out towns filled with people hit hard

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The Election of 1932

Franklin D Roosevelt won in a landslide because of the growing resentment against hoover, he proposed heavy government intervention, something that hoover lacked

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Limited Welfare State

after FDR was elected the government was going to do this; take responsibility for the social and economic welfare of its citizens

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Roosevelt’s New Deal

Was there for relief for the unemployed, recovery for businesses, and reform of economic institutions

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Relief for unemployed examples

works programs such as the Public Works administration (federal infrastructure), Civilian Conservation Corps (hired young men to manage soil, conservation and forestry projects)

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Recovery for Businesses Examples

National Industrial Recovery Act (established codes that created security for workers like minimum wages and shorter hours and regulation of prices)

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Reform of Economic Institutions Examples

Glass-Steagall Act ( helped regulate banking systems), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (guaranteed bank deposits with federal money), Securities and Exchange Commission (regulated the stock market and prevented buying on margin)

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Social Security Act

in second phase of new deal, provided a safety net of income for workers over the age of 65, wages are withheld and then given back when they reached retirement age

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New Deal as a Whole

transformed the United States into a limited welfare state and seriously expanded the aims of modern American liberalism, in addition is was heavily criticized by liberals(not enough) and conservatives (too much)

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Judicial Reorganization Bill/ Court Packing Scheme

allowed the president to appoint new supreme court justices for every justice that was older than 70 (Roosevelt aimed to pack seats to help him) both parties didn’t like this

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Minorities and the Democratic Party after the New Deal

Now there was many newer supporters because they believed Roosevelt would help them with their suffering

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