1. Global Culture & Tourism Geography - 7 Continents - Longitude, Latitudes etc. 2. Population 3. Religions 4. World types of government 5. Ocean, Mountains, Rivers, Lakes
Are shared language, values, norms, traditions, pastimes, customs, beliefs that cause people to identify with one another. The way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs of a particular group of people at a particular time.
North America, South America, Asia, Antartica, Africa, Australia, Euroupe
- A Chinese philosophy in which people live a simple life in harmony with nature. Concerns itself with the search for meaning.
Is the world's fifth-largest religion. The word 'Sikh' means 'learner' or 'seeker of truth'. It advocates equality, social justice, service to humanity, and tolerance for other religions. They believe that there is only one God, who created everything.
Means the way of the gods. It's an Ancient religion of Japan. I The followers believe that spiritual powers exist in the natural world. Japan's indigenous spirituality. It is believed that every living thing in nature (e.g. trees, rocks, flowers, animals - even sounds) contains kami, or gods. Consequently principles can be seen throughout Japanese culture, where nature and the turning of the seasons are cherished.
Monarchy ( Absolute Monarchy and Constitutional Monarchy)
A country where the head of the state is a monarch (a King or a Queen). In a modern constitutional monarchy like England, the monarch’s power to govern is strictly limited.
Republic Government
The opposite of Monarchy, the head of the state is often an elected president.
Communism Government
A political system in which the economy is directed by the state
Biggest mountain in ASIA
Biggest mountain in OCEANA
Biggest mountain in EUROPE
Biggest mountain in AFRICA
Biggest mountain in NORTH AMERICA
Biggest mountain in SOUTH AMERICA
Biggest mountain in ANTARTICA
Humid Severe Winter Climate
Pronounced seasonal changes, humid summers, cold winters.
Humid Mild Winter Climate
Warm to humid summers, abundant rainfall, cool winters.