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It is the stress resulting from particle-to-partcile contact of soil
Effective Stress
Effective Stress Formula
It is the stress induced by water pressure
Pore Water Pressure
Pore Water Pressure Formula
True of False: The effective stress increases as the water table lowers
The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the amount of consolidation at a given time within a spil mass, to the total amount of consolidation obtainable under a given stress condition
Degree of Consolidation
Degree of Consolidation Formula in terms of settlement
Degree of Consolidation in terms of pore water pressure
It is the parameter used to describe the rate at which saturated clay or other soil undergoes consolidation or compactiom, when subjected to an increase in pressure
Coefficient of Consolidation, Cv
It is the volume decrease of a unit volume of soil per unit increase of effective pressure during compressiong
Coefficient of Volume Compressibility, m
It is the slope of the void ratio-pressure curve when both are plotted on an arithmetic scale
Coefficient of Compressibility
It is the parameter used to find the consolidation coefficient with tome taken for consolidation settlement in soil. It is a non-dimensiomal number
Time factor, Tv
Coefficient of Consolidation Formula
Coefficient of Volume Compressibility
Coefficient of Compressibility
Time Factor Formula
Singlr Drainage: Hdr = H
Drained both sides: Hdr= H/2
Time Factor Formula in terms of degree of consolidation
Height of capillary rise
Pore water Pressure in Capillary Rise
h= height measured from the water level
It is the instantaneous process of reducing the volume voids due to expulsion of pore air
It is a time dependent process of reducing the volume of voids due to expulsion of pore water and plastic readjustment of soil solids
Deformation of soil due to vertical stress
If is defined as the vertical movement of the ground due to increased vertical stresses are applied to the ground surface
It is caused by the elastic deformation of dry, moist, and saturated soils without any change in moisture content
Immediate Settlement
It is caused by a volume change in saturated cohesive soils due to explulsion/removal of water that occupies the void spaces
Primary consolidation settlement
It is caused by plastic readjustment of soil fabrics. It is an additional form of compression that occurs at constant effective stress
Secondary Consolidation Settlement
Primary consolidation Settlement Formula
Primary Consolidation Settlement of Normally Consolidated Clay
H-thickness of clay layer
Pc- preconsolidation pressure
Po - present overburden pressure
∆P - additional load
Primary Consolidation Settlement of Overconsolidated Clay
H-thickness of clay layer
Pc- preconsolidation pressure
Po - present overburden pressure
∆P - additional load
Swell Index Formula
Compression Index
Approximate Slope method in getting ∆P
Immediate Settlement Formula
Secondary Consolidation Settlement Formula
Total Settlement
Pressure head sa soil
Overconsolidated Ratio in terms of pressur
OCR = Pc/Po