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Google Sheets
A tool for performing calculations and manipulating data, with functions like SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT.
Formatting in Google Sheets
Adjusting cell formats for data representation, such as currency or dates, using the 'Format' options.
Data Manipulation in Google Sheets
Tasks like calculations, sorting, and filtering data, and freezing rows or columns for better data management.
Google Forms
Enables creating surveys, quizzes, and collecting data, with limits on file size and responses.
Question Types in Google Forms
Various question formats like multiple choice, short answer, and dropdown, allowing customization of the interface.
Google Annotate
Tool for highlighting words, adding comments, and asking questions on documents, with color coding for different meanings.
Google Drive
Provides file storage, easy access, and features like creating folders, searching, and filtering files.
File Management in Google Drive
Creating folders, starring important files, and using search and filter features for organization.
Effective leaders prioritize teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and feedback openness.
Email Management in Google Mail
Crafting effective emails, ensuring online account security, and improving readability through proper formatting.
Presentation Design in Google Slides
Creating presentations with transitions, animations, and enhancing visual appeal for smooth content flow.
Document Editing in Google Docs
Collaborative editing, revision history tracking, and combining values using functions in rows, columns, and cells.
Formatting Tools in Google Docs
Formatting options like italics, bold, underline, font styles, creating tables, and searching for content within documents.