Made by Harley Chase and Kylee Wood
Thorny-headed worms
What are Acanthocephala known as?
In the digestive tract of vertebrate hosts
- Mammals
- Fish
- Birds
- Reptiles
Where are adult Acanthocephala found?
67-110 um x 40-65 um
How big are Acanthocephala eggs?
Are Acanthocephala eggs distinctive?
Across the tegument - No digestive system
How is nutrients absorbed in Acanthocephala?
What is seen in the following image?
What is seen in the following image?
Acanthocephala eggs
What is seen in the following image?
Adult Tapeworms
What do Acanthocephala have a superficial resemblance to for the lay person?
What is seen in the following image?
What is seen in the following image?
What is seen in the following image?
Thought to manage hydraulic controls of proboscis
Why do Acanthocephala have a unique musculature in the anterior end?
Nutrient and waste transport in the absence of a digestive/excretory system
What might the musculature of the middle body of Acanthocephala assist with?
Does Acanthocephala musculature have low membrane potential?
Slow Conduction
Acanthocephala are electrically inexcitable with what?
Acetylcholine Stimulation
What type of stimulation is seen in Acanthocephala?
Nervous control of contraction
What is not well demonstrated in Acanthocephala?
Drug activity and overall efficacy
What do Acanthocephala have implications for?
Obligate Indirect
What type of life cycle do Acanthocephala have?
What type of intermediate host do Acanthocephala have?
Wildlife species
Who are Acanthocephala common in?
Companion animals
Who are Acanthocephala occasionally seen in?
Swine production
What does Acanthocephala have prior association with?
Was Acanthocephalans incidentally found to be zoonotic?
SW United States
Where do Acanthocephalans have prehistoric association?
What is the aboriginal diet of Acanthocephalans based on?
Macroacanthorhynchus hirudinaceus
What was once an important parasite in swine production but was eliminated with confinement production?
A comeback of Macroacanthorhynchus hirudinaceus
What should be expected with the recent trend to "range produced pork"?
Taenia solium
What is Macroacanthorhynchus hirudinaceus often mistaken for by 4th year students and 1st year residents when observed on necropsy?
Do adult tapeworms occur in the small intestine of swine?
No - infrequent occurence
Do Taenia solium occur frequently in swine production?
Small Intestine
Where is Oncicola canis parasitic?
Dogs and Cats
Who is Oncicola canis occasionally seen in?
Wildlife Species - Coyotes, Fox, Bobcat, Lynx
Who is it more common to see Oncicola canis in?
- Lizards
- Birds
- Small Mammals
Who facilitates transmission of Onicola canis?
Cystacanth stage
What do paratenic hosts of Oncicola canis have in tissues?
Is it possible that Oncicola canis is more prevalent than we know?
Do Oncicola canis eggs float well?
Is Oncicola canis associated with clinical disease?
South and Central American Primate Populations
Who is Prosthenorchis elegans enzootic in?
Zoological and Laboratory Primate Colonies
Who is Prosthenorchis elegans important in?
Who is the suitable intermediate host population for Prosthenorchis elegans?
By coming in close proximity with a suitable intermediate host
How do animals become infected with Prosthenorchis elegans?
Accumulation of clinically significant worm burdens
What is seen with infections of Prosthenorchis elegans?
Penetration of proboscis
What is trauma in the definitive host in association with Prosthenorchis elegans caused by?
Significant pain and trauma to the intestinal mucosa
What is the attachment, release and re-attachment of Prosthenorchis elegans associated with?
Gut perforation and peritonitis
What does trauma associated with Prosthenorchis elegans lead to?
Morbidity and Mortality
What is significant about Prosthenorchis elegans infestations in laboratory primate colonies?
- Diarrhea
- Dysorexia
- Death
What clinical signs are seen with Prosthenorchis elegans infestations in laboratory primate colonies?
- Association with clinical signs
- Residence with infected individuals
- Availability and access to intermediate hosts
- Fecal exam to demonstrate eggs
How is Prosthenorchis elegans diagnosed?
Do Prosthenorchis elegans eggs float well?
Gravitational sedimentation
What will be seen on a fecal exam with Prosthenorchis elegans eggs?
- Oval shaped
- Layered with hooked "acanthor"
What is the appearance of Prosthenorchis elegans eggs?
70 um x 45 um
How big are Prosthenorchis elegans eggs?
Prosthenorchis elegans
What is seen in the following image?
What can be given - PO, at 100 mg/kg BID x 3 and repeated bi weekly for 4 treatments when treating Prosthenorchis elegans?
What is effective against treatment of Prosthenorchis elegans in marmosets when given PO, at 50 mg/kg SID x 7?
- By treatment of infective egg shedders
- Removal of Intermediate hosts
How can Prosthenorchis elegans be controlled?
Terrestrial Lifecycle
What lifecycle are Cyclophyllidian tapeworms a part of?
Aquatic Lifestyle
What lifecycle are Pseudophyllidian tapeworms a part of?
Do some trematodes have 2 intermediate hosts?
Single Eggs vs. Egg Packets
What are the diagnostic differences between Taenia and Dipylidium?