ATAR Modern History - The Great Depression (copy)

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Great Depression Dates

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- Dates Great Depression - Short and long-term factors that led to the Depression - Hoover and his responses to the Great Depression - particularly for farmers - Rugged Individualism - Impacts of the Great Depression - social, economic - Impacts Great Depression on groups - farmers, workers

6 Terms


Great Depression Dates

  • Start: October 29, 1929 (Black Tuesday - Stock Market Crash triggered)

  • End: Late 1930s to Early 1940s (End marked by World War II)

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Short and Long-Term Factors Leading to the Depression

  • Short-term: Stock Market Crash, Bank Failures, Sudden Loss of Consumer Confidence

  • Long-term: Uneven Wealth Distribution, Overproduction, Agricultural Surpluses, Protective Tariffs

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Hoover and His Responses to the Great Depression - Particularly for Farmers

  • Hoover's Response: Established Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) for Financial Relief, Federal Farm Board to Stabilize Agricultural Prices

  • Agricultural Policies: Imposed Protective Tariffs to Shield American Farmers, Initiated Farm Relief Programs

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Rugged Individualism

  • Concept: Stressed Self-Reliance, Belief in Individual Initiative and Responsibility

  • Hoover's Philosophy: Encouraged Local Solutions, Voluntary Efforts Over Direct Government Intervention

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Impacts of the Great Depression - Social, Economic

  • Social Impact:

    • Unemployment Soared to Approximately 25%, Resulting in Financial Desperation for Families

    • Homelessness Became Prevalent, with Makeshift Shantytowns (Hoovervilles) Emerging

    • Poverty Escalated, Leading to Malnutrition, Health Decline, and Strain on Social Services

  • Economic Impact:

    • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Experienced a Drastic Decline, Plunging the Nation into Economic Turmoil

    • Bankruptcies Skyrocketed, Banks Collapsed, and Financial Institutions Struggled to Survive

    • Prices Plummeted, Triggering Deflationary Pressures and Making It Challenging for Businesses to Sustain Operations

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Impacts of the Great Depression on Groups - Farmers, Workers

  • Farmers:

    • Foreclosure Rates Surged as Agricultural Prices Plunged, Forcing Many Farmers Off Their Land

    • Crop Surpluses Led to Sharp Declines in Prices, Resulting in Financial Ruin for Countless Farming Families

    • Widespread Bankruptcies Occurred in the Farming Sector, Exacerbating Economic Hardships

  • Workers:

    • Unemployment Rates Soared, Leaving Millions Jobless and Struggling to Make Ends Meet

    • Wages Decreased Significantly, Placing Further Financial Strain on Working Families

    • Labor Strikes Became Common as Workers Demanded Improved Working Conditions and Fairer Wages, Often Leading to Tensions Between Employees and Employers

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