world war I

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what were the main causes of ww1?

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what were the main causes of ww1?

M.- militarism

A.- Alliances



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Triple Alliance (pre-war)

  • Germany,

  • Austria-Hungary,

  • Italy,

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Triple Entente (pre-war)

  • Russia

  • Great Britain

  • France

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how did the war start?

June 28,1914: Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria Hungary, was assassinated by Serbian nationalist, Gavrillo Princip, in Sarajevo

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it is a mess extermination of a particular group of people

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total war=

is when all resources are devoted to war

  • took control of economy

  • controlled what factories produced

  • rationing (

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Gallipoli Campaign 1915-16:

  • gateway to attacking Constantinoples to defeat Ottomans

  • would allow supply line to Russia

  • stalemate then Ottoman wins

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significance of Gallipoli Campaign:

  • lead to Turkish war od independence

  • defining moment in Turkish history

    ↪ established republic of Turkey]

  • Major allied failure and Ottoman success

  • lots of casualties-100k

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women’s role during total war-

  • recruited to work in factories

  • built weapons

  • worked in hospitals

  • took o jobs previously performed by men

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white feather movement-

  • a way to get more volunteers in Great Britain

  • women distributed white feathers to men out of uniform

  • signaled they were “cowards”

  • only britain

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Zimmerman Telegram-

  • Germany would help Mexico “reconquer” lost land (like Arizona) if allied with Germany

  • intercepted by the British

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Spanish Flu Spring 1918

  • began in the U.s and spread by soldiers going to ww1

  • infected 500 million people

  • killed 200 million people

    deadliest in modern history mainly because of pneumonia

  • infected 1/3 of the world’s population

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Gregori Rasputin:

-fueled distrust of the tsar

  • influential faith healer; peasant

  • thought to have too much influence on Tsar’s family

  • blamed for Russia’s problems


  • outraged Russian’s with his behavior

  • difficult to kill?

  • assassinated in 1916 by group led by Prince Yusupov

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Vladimir I. Lenin (1870-1924)

-leader of the Bolsheviks

  • faction of Russian Social Democratic Party

  • wanted violent revolution


  • overthrew provisional government

  • Lenin’s version of Marxism

    • Marx predicted spontaneous revolution by workers

    • Russia not very industrialized

    • elite group can lead revolution

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Early Lenin Policies-

  • nationalized lands

  • no-fault divorce

  • control of factories given to workers

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Schlieffen Plan

  • military plan by german general

  • assumed two-front war with France and Russia

  • Goal: to defeat france first then russia

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Dulce et Decorum Est

  • is a poem by one of the great trench poets

  • Horace makes a statement in his poem; “ It is sweet and proper to die for your country.”

  • -is a reference to the work by Horace

  • writen by british soldier, wilfred owen

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western front

  • stalemate

  • becomes 500 mi.

  • first battle of the Marne

  • trench warfare

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eastern front

  • german and russian border

  • more mobile but stalemate sometimes

  • struggles for russia

  • less compressed geograpgy (1k mi.)

  • not trench warfare

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wartime propaganda

  • one-sided information designed to improve morale and support war

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russian revolution-


  • revolution 1905- no real change

  • worker dissatisfaction

  • ww1- disaster for russia

  • rasputin- fueled distrust of Tsar

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revolution 1905-

  • “bloody sunday” soldiers fired on peaceful workers demonstrating in St. Petersburg

  • ruined Tsar’s relations with workers

  • Tsar agreed to a parliament (Duma), but it had no real power

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end of romanovs

  • early 1917 food shortages lead to strikes

  • Tsar ordered troops to restore order - refused

  • Nicholas II was abdicated(renounced thrown)

  • family was killed in july

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treaty of brest-litovsk-

-ended russia’s involvement in ww1

-humiliating terms:

  • russia lost ÂĽ of territory and 1/3 of its population to Central Powers

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the armistice-

Nov.11.1918- Germany agreed to an armstice (ceasefire), effectively ending hostilities in ww1

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armenian genocide-


  • turkish authorities in the ottoman empire began to systematically exterminate their serbian subjects

  • armenians were “deported” from their towns

  • these “deportations” consisted of death marches into the desert

    ⌦many men, women, and children died of dehydration, starvation, and disease.

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Central Powers (during war)

  • germany

  • austri-hungary

  • ottoman empire

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Allied Powers (during war)

  • russia

  • france

  • great britain

  • 1915-italy

  • 1917- us

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germany (pre-war)

leaders- Kaiser Wilhelm II + Otto von Bismarck

  • nationalism had fueled german unification

  • bismarck transformed the nation into an industrial and military power

Foreign Policy-

  • establish alliances to prevent russia and france becoming allies

  • increase military strength

  • increase german affairs in the world

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france (pre-war)

  • wanted to regain role as a power in europe

  • history of conflict with the german states


  • competition for territory in africa

  • territorial disputes over the border

  • franco-prussian war

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great britain (pre-war)

  • had a large empire

  • powerful army/navy

  • saw german industrialization and militarization as a potential threat

    ⌦lead britain to form close ties with france

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russia (pre-war)

  • controlled by autocratic czar (king) [Czar Nicholas Romanov II ]

    • repressed people

    • oppressed reforms

  • promoted Pan-Slavism

    • nationalist movement to unite slavic people in europe

    • come to the defense of slavic people in the Balkans

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ottoman empire (pre-war)

  • a once powerful empire that was losing its power

  • history of conflicts with russia

  • had good relations with germany

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austria-hungary (pre-war)

leader- Franz Joseph {had a dual monarchy}

  • austrian monarch and a hungarian parliament shared power


  • controlled many ethnic groups

  • nationalism fueled ethnic minorities desire for independence from austria

    • Balkans

    • Czechs

    • poland

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balkan powder keg-

  • serbian nationalists wanted to unite serbs in the balkans

    • create a slavic state

    • austria-hungary opposed this effort

  • austria-hungary annexed bosnia-herzegonia

    • large number of serbs

    • angered serbian nationalists

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How the War Started-

june.28.1914 -

  • serbian nationalist, gavrilo princip, assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand of austria-hungary in sarajevo

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