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tissue:: a collection of cells, usually held together by cell junctions, that work together to perform a specific function

organ:: two or more tissues that function together

organ system:: a group of functionally integrated organs

evolution is:: an undercurrent of all biological concepts

diffusion versus bulk transport is a:: scaling issue

bulk transport example:: breathing air using a pump system, moving nutrients using the cardiovascular system

Ohm’s law:: the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance wrt membrane potential

homeostasis:: dynamic steady state of the constituents in and properties of the internal fluid environment that surrounds and exchanges materials with cells

negative feedback:: stimulus>sensor>integrator>effector>stop stimulus

homeostasis/osmolarity values are:: always a ballpark/average value that fluctuates within and between individuals

main fluid compartments:: plasma, interstitial fluid, intracellular fluid

extracellular fluid:: plasma and interstitial fluid

regulated internal fluid properties:: pH, ion concentration, temperature, volume and pressure, water

Diagram of the body systems we will coverdiffusion happens between:: circulatory system and all others

nutrients/products are transferred between:: all body systems

negative feedback def:: the output of a process inhibits the process that created it

positive feedback def:: the output of a process stimulates the process that created it

feed-forward def:: a process is up or down regulated in anticipation of an event

neg feedback example:: thermostat, insulin

pos feedback example:: birth (until end with negative feedback)

feed-forward example:: smell food, stomach rumbles and prepares

reflex arc functions as:: an involuntary negative feedback control system

reflex definition:: simple, involuntary response to a stimulus

afferent pathway:: carries signal away (sensory receptor to integrating center)

efferent pathway:: carries a signal around (integrating center to effector), generates a response

negative feedback loop diagram/reflex arc knee-jerk reflexafferent: signal from hammer causes stretch (stimulus) to integrating center A is incorrect because the efferent pathway doesn't initiate a signal from the sensory receptor to the integrating centerB is correct because the stimulus (reflex hammer causes stretch) caused inhibition of the stimulus effect (stretch) secondary active transport facilitated diffusion

chemically/ligand gated channels:: specific molecule binds to a channel to open or close it

voltage gated channels:: change in membrane potential opens and closes the channel

mechanically gated channel:: deformation of the membrane opens and closes the channel

leak channel:: always open

channels:: select what gets through a pore in the membrane based on size and charge

carriers:: select what gets through based on binding specificity

carrier protein:: transported substances bind to specialized sites and cause a change in conformation

pumps are:: primary active transport

primary active transport:: direct input of energy via ATP

pumps:: transport proteins use direct input energy to move substances against energetically favorable direction

secondary active transport:: harnesses potential energy of an ion gradient to drive another substance in energetically unfavorable direction

secondary active transport example:: electron transport chain

pump example:: sodium-potassium pump

salty bananas and everything else is low inside (they're sad :( )opening and closing channels changes:: membrane permeability of the membrane to specific ions

cells expend energy on ion gradients because:: they use the stored potential energy to do work

ICF and ECF generally:: osmotic equilibrium/total amount of solute or volume of fluid is the same

extra negative ions in ICF and positive ions in ECF creates:: membrane potential

Day 2

osmosis:: the diffusion of water across a semipermeable membrane up a solute concentration gradient

osmotic pressure diagramosmosis depends on:: the number of particles in a given volume of solution

osmolarity:: = molarity * particles/molecule

hyperosmotic:: higher osmolarity in relation to another solution

hypoosmotic:: lower osmolarity in relation to another solution

isosmotic:: the same osmolarity in relation to another solution

tonicity:: describes a solution based on its effects on the volume of a cell placed in the solution

hypertonic:: water diffuses out, shrinking

hypotonic:: water diffuses in, swelling

lysis:: a very hypotonic solution causes _____

isotonic:: water diffuses normally, no effect to the cell

nonpenetrating solutes:: only solutes that effect osmolarity and tonicity

osmolarity and tonicity rules

Correct answer: C because mOsm=mM

body fluid osmolarity:: 300 mOsm

Correct answer: A because, though the osmolarity of the solutions is the same, the outside solute contains only part nonpenetrating solutes, thus the osmolarity of nonpenetrating solutes is less than that of the cell and water must enter the cell to decrease its solute concentration. The solution is hypotonic to the cellnonpenetrating:: assume that all intracellular solutes are _____

Correct answer: A because equilibrium is reached by the cell volume increasing

Correct answer: A because volume fluctuates (has to have penetrating component) and mOsm of nonpenetrating solute has to be lower than 300 mOsm


tissue:: a collection of cells, usually held together by cell junctions, that work together to perform a specific function

organ:: two or more tissues that function together

organ system:: a group of functionally integrated organs

evolution is:: an undercurrent of all biological concepts

diffusion versus bulk transport is a:: scaling issue

bulk transport example:: breathing air using a pump system, moving nutrients using the cardiovascular system

Ohm’s law:: the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance wrt membrane potential

homeostasis:: dynamic steady state of the constituents in and properties of the internal fluid environment that surrounds and exchanges materials with cells

negative feedback:: stimulus>sensor>integrator>effector>stop stimulus

homeostasis/osmolarity values are:: always a ballpark/average value that fluctuates within and between individuals

main fluid compartments:: plasma, interstitial fluid, intracellular fluid

extracellular fluid:: plasma and interstitial fluid

regulated internal fluid properties:: pH, ion concentration, temperature, volume and pressure, water

Diagram of the body systems we will coverdiffusion happens between:: circulatory system and all others

nutrients/products are transferred between:: all body systems

negative feedback def:: the output of a process inhibits the process that created it

positive feedback def:: the output of a process stimulates the process that created it

feed-forward def:: a process is up or down regulated in anticipation of an event

neg feedback example:: thermostat, insulin

pos feedback example:: birth (until end with negative feedback)

feed-forward example:: smell food, stomach rumbles and prepares

reflex arc functions as:: an involuntary negative feedback control system

reflex definition:: simple, involuntary response to a stimulus

afferent pathway:: carries signal away (sensory receptor to integrating center)

efferent pathway:: carries a signal around (integrating center to effector), generates a response

negative feedback loop diagram/reflex arc knee-jerk reflexafferent: signal from hammer causes stretch (stimulus) to integrating center A is incorrect because the efferent pathway doesn't initiate a signal from the sensory receptor to the integrating centerB is correct because the stimulus (reflex hammer causes stretch) caused inhibition of the stimulus effect (stretch) secondary active transport facilitated diffusion

chemically/ligand gated channels:: specific molecule binds to a channel to open or close it

voltage gated channels:: change in membrane potential opens and closes the channel

mechanically gated channel:: deformation of the membrane opens and closes the channel

leak channel:: always open

channels:: select what gets through a pore in the membrane based on size and charge

carriers:: select what gets through based on binding specificity

carrier protein:: transported substances bind to specialized sites and cause a change in conformation

pumps are:: primary active transport

primary active transport:: direct input of energy via ATP

pumps:: transport proteins use direct input energy to move substances against energetically favorable direction

secondary active transport:: harnesses potential energy of an ion gradient to drive another substance in energetically unfavorable direction

secondary active transport example:: electron transport chain

pump example:: sodium-potassium pump

salty bananas and everything else is low inside (they're sad :( )opening and closing channels changes:: membrane permeability of the membrane to specific ions

cells expend energy on ion gradients because:: they use the stored potential energy to do work

ICF and ECF generally:: osmotic equilibrium/total amount of solute or volume of fluid is the same

extra negative ions in ICF and positive ions in ECF creates:: membrane potential

Day 2

osmosis:: the diffusion of water across a semipermeable membrane up a solute concentration gradient

osmotic pressure diagramosmosis depends on:: the number of particles in a given volume of solution

osmolarity:: = molarity * particles/molecule

hyperosmotic:: higher osmolarity in relation to another solution

hypoosmotic:: lower osmolarity in relation to another solution

isosmotic:: the same osmolarity in relation to another solution

tonicity:: describes a solution based on its effects on the volume of a cell placed in the solution

hypertonic:: water diffuses out, shrinking

hypotonic:: water diffuses in, swelling

lysis:: a very hypotonic solution causes _____

isotonic:: water diffuses normally, no effect to the cell

nonpenetrating solutes:: only solutes that effect osmolarity and tonicity

osmolarity and tonicity rules

Correct answer: C because mOsm=mM

body fluid osmolarity:: 300 mOsm

Correct answer: A because, though the osmolarity of the solutions is the same, the outside solute contains only part nonpenetrating solutes, thus the osmolarity of nonpenetrating solutes is less than that of the cell and water must enter the cell to decrease its solute concentration. The solution is hypotonic to the cellnonpenetrating:: assume that all intracellular solutes are _____

Correct answer: A because equilibrium is reached by the cell volume increasing

Correct answer: A because volume fluctuates (has to have penetrating component) and mOsm of nonpenetrating solute has to be lower than 300 mOsm