1st amendment
The times, places, and manner of how shall be determined by state legislatures but may be altered by congress in some cases
House of Rep
2nd amendment
article 2. sets up the electoral college and how we as a country decide our president and vice president.
12th amendment
Change electoral proces to separate VP & Pres votes
15th amendment
African American suffrage
17th amendment
established the direct popular election of U.S. senators
(Electorate determines senator NOT state legislation)
Yay: ensures less lobbying
19th amendment
Women’s suffrage
22nd ammendment
Pres. Terms to two
President may now serve too terms
23rd amendment
DC recieves electoral votes (3)
24th amendment
Abolished poll taxes
Participating in voting CAN’T require $$$
26th amendment
21 —> 18yr Olds voting age