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Authority of the Lord and a Collection of Gospels
The Gospels is the:
Lies beyond the documents
[Locus Authority] points to God / Jesus Christ: demands obedience because it is God himself who speaks
because God is the authority
[Locus Authority] behind Sacred Scripture is God of all time; then authority of Sacred Scripture extends to us
content itself
[Locus Authority] This authority of Sacred Scripture is contained / embedded in the _____ of the bible
not in the community that collected the tradition or that formed the canon; not in the reconstructed tradition that underlie the books of the Bible; not in the reconstructed "real jesus" of the Jesus Seminar; not in the personal experience/ reading of Sacred Scripture
False Loci of Authority:
diluted, authentically said, added/out words
There is something ______ in Sacred Scripture. Look for what Jesus _______. Local church just ______ in Jesus Christ's mouth.
validate, creates / corrects
Authority of Sacred Scripture functions not to ______ human experience rather, authority of Sacred Scripture _______ human experience
validate human experience, creates/corrects human experience
Authority of Sacred Scripture functions not to ______ rather, authority of Sacred Scripture ______
historians, evangelists, faith
The authority is not on the ______. Discover the real Jesus, not the one created by the _______, not the Christ of ______
life's questions, ideologies /social sciences, problem, normative in our life
Some find answers in ______ through _____: philosophy, psychology, anthropology, sociology, natural sciences, pop
culture. The _____ is if they become ______
If Sacred Scripture just conform with social and natural sciences, culture, etc., it becomes _____.
If we are to be Christians, Sacred Scripture should be ______.
ideology, distort the Word of God, own words
If Sacred Scripture is distorted into an _______ we ________—we only impose our _____
interpreted by the authority, Magisterium
The bible has to be ______ (for Catholics, it's the work of the ______)
ability to author reality
Authority of Sacred Scripture lies in its ____
Biological truth, cosmological truth, historical truth; religious truth, existential truths
Biblical Authority is
not about these: ______
But about these:
existential truth
our most fundamental questions (found/assessed by biblical witness)
carry out His salvific plans
Sacred Scripture have authority because God uses the text to ______
created, recognized
Biblical authority is not ______ by the Church but _____ by the Church
inconsistent with biblical witness
Any proclamation / way of life that is _____ is untrustworthy or questionable
proof-reading, open / cut, this is God's word for me, Literalize / transpose, new context
How can Sacred Scripture which is historically conditioned, meaning, written by finite man and woman, be normative or authoritative for all time in all situation?
False approach: _______
You cannot simply _____ the bible and say that ______
______ the original meaning to our ______
past context, re-interpret
How can Sacred Scripture which is historically
conditioned, meaning, written by finite man and
woman, be normative or authoritative for all time
in all situation?
Valid approach:
We need to re-interpret Sacred Scripture
Written in particular ______ so we need to ______ it
unchanging truth, changing formulation, incomplete and perfectible
How can Sacred Scripture which is historically conditioned, meaning, written by finite man and woman, be normative or authoritative for all time in all situation?
◂ Valid approach:
◂ Need to distinguish ______ for the ___ (Myst. Eccl. 1973)
◂ "All faith formulations are ______ and _____"
Rule of Faith, quarrel, has conflict, proper interpretation
How do we apply Sacred Scripture to our situation today?
◂ Irenaeus: _____
◂ Eventhough there are already canonical books, the leaders ______ / ______ with _____
◂ We have to refer to this rule
Irenaeus, creed, basic belief, christians
How do we apply Sacred Scripture to our situation today?
◂ _____: Rule of Faith
◂ We will find Sacred Scripture authority by the rule of faith
◂ Rule of faith: the ____ (our _____ as ____)
Schillebeeckx: Correlation Method
How do we apply Sacred Scripture to our situation today?
◂ ______
◂ Original reader / human author (text) = original meaning—cannot simply be transformed into our context without re-interpreting
◂ New reader (text) = new context / new meaning
original meaning, new context / new meaning
◂ How do we apply Sacred Scripture to our situation today?
◂ Schillebeeckx: Correlation Method
◂ Original reader / human author (text) = _______—cannot simply be transformed into our context without re-interpreting
◂ New reader (text) = _____
Pontifical Biblical Commission
How do we apply Sacred Scripture to our situation today?
◂ _______:
◂ We cannot simply research the meaning of the original text
◂ We need to know the canonical sense or biblical sense
◂ What does Sacred Scripture says as a whole (which is transmitted through Tradition)
meaning of the original text, canonical sense or biblical sense, whole
How do we apply Sacred Scripture to our situation today?
◂ Pontifical Biblical Commission:
◂ We cannot simply research the ____
◂ We need to know the ______
◂ What does Sacred Scripture says as a ______ (which is transmitted through Tradition)