The Fertile Cresent
An area of fertile land in the Middle East, extending around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in a semicircle from Israel to the Persian Gulf.
A pyramid-like building made of several stories that indent as the building gets taller, thus, ziggurats have terraces at each level.
Hierarchy of Scale
A system of representation that expresses a person's importance by the size of his or her representation in a work of art.
offered in fulfillment of a vow or a pledge
a horizontal band, often on top of one another, that tells a narrative story
A system of writing in which the strokes are formed in a wedge or arrowhead shape.
Relief Sculpture
Sculpture that projects from a flat background. A very shallow relief sculpture is called a bas-relief.
A colossal, winged human-headed bull in Assyrian art.
An audience hall in a Persian palace