Device receiving data to process using instruction set producing processed data as result.
Computer architecture
Computer design & function, including computer parts design, organisation, connection.
Computer program information. (s: datum)
Binary digit with 1 or 0 value.
8 bits forming a binary number.
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
Processor part processing data through basic mathematical & logical operations.
Central processing unit/processor
Computer part processing data & following instructions.
Control unit
Processor part following instructions, deciding data management (storage, receiving, transmission) by different computer parts.
Follow or perform instruction.
Instruction set for specific task performance on computer.
Byte numerical locator in memory.
Immediate use data storage device in computer.
Hard disk/drive
Secondary storage, rigid rotating disks coated with magnetic material, storing data.
Lost during power supply interruption.
Wire collection transporting data between 2 parts of computer.
Goes in 2 directions.
Data bus
Transports data between memory & processor.
Address bus
Specifies memory address information. Goes from processor to memory.
Only goes in 1 direction.
Input (Computer architecture)
Computer received data/instructions to process.
Output (Computer architecture)
Computer produced intermediate/final results in processed data form.
Computer physical part.
Input device
Hardware device allowing data & instructions entered into computer by user.
Output device
Hardware device displaying, projecting or printing computer processed data.
Secondary storage
Storing large data amounts unaffected by power supply interruption (non-volatile).
Problem solving set of step-by-step instructions.
Input (Algorithm)
Algorithm used data affecting correct output requirement.
Output (Algorithm)
Algorithm produced results.
Algorithm only provided with valid inputs always giving correct outputs.
Complex problem broken down into smaller more manageable parts.
Problem whose solution culmulates into the solution of larger problem.
Pattern recognition
Similarity identification between multiple items.
Replacing similar problems/solutions with singular problem/solution.
Variable (Flowchart & pseudo-code)
Named storage space for changeable value used by algorithm.
First instance of variable storage/assignment.
Algorithm visual presentation demonstrating steps sequence flow.
Flow line
Arrow indicating step order.
Symbol (Flowchart)
Special shape representing flowchart action/step.
Algorithm structure with only 1 entry & 1 exit point.
Sequence construct
Construct with multiple consecutive instructions performed in strict order.
Instruction sequence diverted from main flowchart due to decision symbol.
Selection construct
Construct picking between branches based on certain condition.
Iteration construct
Construct repeating instructions while a condition is fulfilled.
Dry run
Process running through steps set manually.
Test data
Input data for performing dry run.
Trace table
Tabulating variable changes & algorithm outputs during dry run.
Algorithm description using mixture of natural language & constructs (sequence, selection, iteration).
Instruction set
Basic command/instruction set understood directly by processor represented in byte form.
Machine code
Instructions run directly on computer processor.
Instructions set computers use performing specific tasks.
Programming language
Human communicate instructions to computers language.
Source code
Instructions in programming language both humans & computers can understand.
Rules determining words & symbols arrangement in valid instruction.
Syntax error
Incorrect source code not following language rules.
Code translator program completely translating source code into machine code before running it.
Code translator program translating source code into machine code & running it simultaneously.
Command line interface
Medium of interaction with program with commands represented as lines of text.
Graphical user interface
Medium of interaction with program with commands represented as visuals.
Syntax highlighting
Display of different source code parts differently using different colours & fonts according to programming language rules to ease difficulties in reading.
Interactive mode
Python feature allowing entering of source code line by line to immediately run & show results.
Part of source code explaining program but not translated or run.
Character sequence following specific rules that may be used as variable name.
Keyword (Programming)
Specific words reserved by programming language for running code & cannot be used as identifier.
Variable (Python)
Name with assigned value that may be modified while program runs.
Constant (Programming)
Name with assigned value that cannot be modified while program runs.
Naming convention
Guidelines on how identifiers & names should be chosen.
Floating-point number (float)
Data type representing numbers with decimals.
Integer (int)
Data type representing whole numbers.
Value represented directly in source code.
String (str)
Data type representing text as sequence of characters or symbols.
Escape code
Character sequence inputted difficult to type out as literal or creates syntax errors if not treated uniquely.
Type casting
Conversion process between 2 data types.
Boolean (bool)
Data type representing True or False.
Sequence of same sized items arranged consecutively in memory. Sometimes interchangeably used with list.
List (programming)
Data type storing multiple sequencial values.
Additional value used as input for function call.
Reusable instructions set assigned to a name.
Function call
Process assigning arguments to new variables & running instructions assigned to function.
Nested function call
Resultant value of function call used as argument for another function call.
Return value
Function output, or presumed function call value after its assigned instructions are completed.
Body (functions)
Statements sequence in user-defined function.
Spaces number in front of each source code line.
User-defined function (UDF)
Programming language user provided function.
UDF special variable with argument assignment when UDF is called.
Signature (programming)
UDF first line specifying UDF name & its parameters.
Return instruction
Instruction immediately ending function treating subsequent value as provided return value.
Local variable
Variable internally created in UDF & can only be used within UDF.
Global variable
Variable externally created outside & before UDF & is usable both inside & outside UDF.
Binary operator
Operator only taking 2 inputs as values.
Performing instructions symbol using different syntax from function.
Floor division
Division operator rounding down result to nearest integer.
Any data type storing multiple sequencial values.
Joining 2 sequences forming longer sequence.
Slice operator
Operator returning extracted sequence from longer sequence.
Integer value representing value sequence position.
Index operator
Operator returning value from within sequence.
Unchangeable from creation.
Can be changed even after creation.
Control flow statement
Programming instruction changing instructions run order.