Background knowledge
Children pass through 5 biologically driven psychosexual stages
3rd stage (phallic age 3-6), Freud believes this is where gender starts to develop
Prior to this stage, children have no knowledge of gender
In this stage, pleasure switches to genitalia- children experience the Oedipus/Electra complex
Oedipus- boys
Develop negative feelings towards dad
In competition with father for mothers love
Identify with father to resolve conflict
Displaces love for mother onto different women
Electra- girls
Develop penis envy
Mother is in competition for fathers love
Resent the mother
Identify with the mother due to the switch of penis envy to wanting children
Identification and internalisation
After the complexes, children resolve complex by IDENTIFYING with their same-sex parent and INTERNALISING their behaviours and attitudes, teaching themselves gender appropriate behaviour
Strengths of Freuds psychoanalytic theory
Research support- Little Hans became envious of his father for mother’s attention, also displayed fear of castration. Theory suggests that Hans resolved his complex by identifying and internalising with his father in order to learn gender appropriate behaviours
only one case study, lacks population validity and generalisability
Weaknesses of Freud’s pyschoanalytic theory
Lack of falsifiability- the concepts are unfalsifiable as they can’t be proved with scientific testing. Largely focuses on the unconscious mind and that is impossible to be assessed, not scientific= lacks credibility
Reductionist/outdated- only explains gender development for those who have same-sex parents. Outdated approach which doesn’t count for change in society. This means it lacks generalisability to this era and lacks population validity