Lit terms Mytho

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titanic (adj)

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titanic (adj)

Origin ā€“ Greek; Titans were lawless, powerful giants who once ruled

Earth. Cronus was the leader, and he was overthrown by his son, Zeus. Definition ā€“ of enormous strength, size, or power

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Arachnid (n)

Origin - Greek; Arachne was a woman who had great talent in weaving. She boasted about being so good at it that Athena turned her into a spider. Definition - An arthropod of the class Arachnida, such as a spider or scorpion.

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martial (adj)

comes from combat, like wars, also it comes from the Roman god (Mars). Mars was the Roman god of war. Definition -Of, Relating to, or suited for war or a warrior

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odyssey (n)

Origin - The Odyssey is a book written by Homer about the king of Ithacaā€™s 10 year journey home after the Trojan war. Definition - a long and eventful or adventurous journey or experience; a long wandering or voyage usually marked by many changes of fortune

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panic (n)

Origin - The greek god pan caused terror and this gave into the name panic which is a feeling causing terror.

Definition - sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinkable behavior

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jovial (adj)

Origin - Relating to Jupiter the Roman God, saying if you were born under Jupiter then you shall be happy. Also from the late Latin Language.

Definition -jolly, optimistic, happy ect

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lethargic (adj) - Alexis & Angie

Origin (Alexis) - Comes from greek ā€œLathargosā€, inactive through forgetfulness, comes from ā€œLetheā€

Definition (Angie) - lack of energy/ sluggish

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chronology (n)

Origin - Chronology is a word meaning 'the study of time. Chronos (time) and logos (word) As chronos was the greek god of time.

Definition - An arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence.

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ambrosial (adj)

Origin - Originally, a Greek word for the food of the gods, ambrosia, but can be used to describe good food in general.

Definition - Exceptionally pleasing to taste or smell; especially delicious or fragrant

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labyrinthine (adj)

Origin - Comes from a Greek myth in which Daedalus had built a structure to contain a mythological creature. He made it so confusing that even he couldn't find the exit. Definition - like a labyrinth; irregular and twisting; intricate and confusing

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accept- consent to receive (a thing offered) and it could meanā€¦Ā  believe or come to recognize (an opinion, explanation, etc) as valid or correct.

Except- Not including; other than. Used before a statement that forms an exception to one just made. Specify as not included in a category or group; exclude. \n clue- Accept only functions as a verb, and its meaning is "to receive or take willingly. Except is usually a preposition. It means "not including," "other than," or "but"

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Allusion- An indirect or passing reference llusion- Wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses Clue- Allusion is comparing two things, while Illusion is a false recognition of something. Illusion tricks your mind, while Allusion helps it compare two objects.

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Complement- A thing that completes or brings to perfection Compliment- An expression of esteem, respect, affection, or admiration. Clue- Complement refers to something that makes something else perfect or complete, such as tomato sauce complements plain spaghetti. Compliment refers to saying something nice or praising, such as you look nice this evening.

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Origin- Greek story about a man named Tantalus, who was so evil that gods of the underworld came up with a punishment just for him. They put hin in a pool of water that would drain every time he bent down to take a drink. And everytime he reached up to take a piece of fruit from this fruit tree, the branches would move up. Tatalus killed and cooked up his son.

Definition- Torment or tease with the site or promis of something that is unobtainable

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Origin- The Titain of greek mythology who supported the heavens and whose pictrue appeared at the front of early atlases

Definition- a book of maps or charts

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origin- Roman mythology. Late Middle English (in mercurial (sense 3 of the adfetive)): from Latin mercurialis ā€˜relating to the god Mercury, from Mercurius ā€˜Mercury. Mercurial (sense 1 of the adjective)dates from the mid 17th century. Mercury is the messenger god. He describes someone soemone whose mood or behavior is changeable or unpredictable.

Definition- subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind

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origin- Greek; Iris was the goddess of rainbows and sometimes functioned as the messenger of the gods.

Definition Having or showing a display of colors producing rainbow effects

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Achilles heel

  • Origin- (Greek) As a baby, Achillesā€™ mom, Thetis, dipped him in the River Styx, but before she had a chance to flip him she was interrupted. Later in life, Achilles was invulnerable everywhere but his heel. Eventually he was shot and killed in his heel (killed by Paris).Ā 

  • Ā Definition- A Weakness or vulnerable part

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  • Origin - From the Roman goddess Aurora, she was the goddess of dawn.Ā  It was said she raced across the sky in her multicolored chariot to alert her siblings to the dawning of the new day.Ā 

Definition - Pertaining to the dawn, like a new beginning.

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  • Definition: Formed from multiple different animals (Mythical creatures), or something fictional or fantasyĀ 

  • Origin: Comes from Greek mythology, was a famous hybrid, named Khimaira which was a fire breathing creature, with a lionā€™s head & goatā€™s body

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  • Origin- The word ā€œeuthanasiaā€ itself comes from the Greek words ā€œeuā€ (good) and ā€œthanatosā€ (death).Ā 

Definition- The painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. The practice is illegal in most countries.

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  • Origin - (Greek) Zelus was a daimon known to personify eagerness, dedication, and rivalryĀ 

  • Definition - Great enthusiasm or energy for a cause/objective

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  • Ā Affect (v) - to have an effect on something; to make a difference to

Ex: These weather conditions will affect the number of people who attend the outdoor event.

  • Effect (n) - a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause (commonly used as a noun)

Ex. cause & effect

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itā€™s/ its

  • Itā€™s= It has or It isĀ 

  • Its= Belonging to or associated with the previously associated with the last mentioned word.

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between/ amoung

  • Between: in or into the space that separates two places, people, or objects (between 2 things)

Ex: The ball rolled in between the playset and the pond.

  • Among: surrounded by; in the company of. (Among three or more)

Ex: The ball was among the leaves.

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  • Origin - Greek myth, comes from a story of a boy Narcissus, who falls in love with his image. He looks in water and loves the image he sees, without knowing it was himself. Then he grows up wanting to be with the person so much. He falls in the puddle and drowns.

  • Definition- an excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearanceĀ 

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