APUSH Unit 3: Important Events/Terms

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Annapolis Convention

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21 Terms


Annapolis Convention

September 1786-a meeting aimed at regulating trade between states during a time of economic and political strain-served as a stepping stone to Constitutional Convention

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Constitutional Convention

A group of people met in secret-took place throughout the summer of 1787 at Independence Hall in Philadelphia-a new constitution was being formed here for originally the sole purpose of revising the Articles, but then decided to create an entirely new government away from the Articles

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Gardoqui Treaty

in 1784, a Spanish diplomat played on the commercial interests of the Northern states in an effort to split the country into two-he offered to open Spanish trade to American ships if Congress gave up its insistence on navigation of Mississippi River-treaty did not pass

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Classical Conservatives

believed that a strong central government that was active in the economic life of the nation was desirable and essential; an example of these people are Washington, Adams, and Hamilton

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Mixed government

the perceived solution to the excess of democracy being a chief weakness in the Articles; a balance of the three principles: democracy, powers in the hands of many, aristocracy, power in the hands of a few, and monarchy, power in the hands of one

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Three-fifths compromise

A population tool for counting slaves; Northern states wished to count slaves for the purpose of taxation, while Southern states wanted to count slaves pertaining to House of Representatives seats; compromise came so that the North and South agreed they would count slaves as 3/5 of a person

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Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire

Please list the order of states ratifying the Constitution

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Establishment Clause

forbids congress from making any law about an established religion

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Free exercise clause

the right to believe and worship as one wishes without government interference

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Report on Manufacturers

a report by Alexander Hamilton that called for a high protective tariff in order to encourage the development of American industry

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Rule of 1756

British rule that provided that neutral countries could not trade in enemy ports from which they had been excluded before the war

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captain of a British warship has the right to board an American vessel, whether or not involved in illegal trade, and remove sailors whom he thought to be British subjects for service in the Royal Navy

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Jay's treaty

Chief Justice John Jay was sent to England to appeal for peace British agreed to

  1. evacuate western forts

  2. both american and British ships could navigate the Mississippi

  3. Britain compensated American ship owners for vessels seized in West Indies Americans agreed

  4. to not discriminate against British shipping

  5. pay money in debt owed to British subjects from before the revolution

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Pickney's Treaty/Treaty of San Lorenzo

Spain agreed

  1. the american version of the boundary b/t US and Louisiana

  2. opened the Mississippi River to american navigation

  3. granted americans the right of deposit in New Orleans, so americans could store exports and carry out commercial transactions

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Treaty of Greenville

the result of the Battle of Fallen Timbers, 12 tribes signed this, and it stated that Indians would surrender huge sections of their lands, ending a struggle that had consumed a major portion of the government's revenue for years

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what the french government was known as

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Alien Act

  1. extended amount of time required for american citizenship from 5 to 14 years (aimed at newcomer Republicans who hated England)

  2. gave government the authority to move against French and Irish (aliens) in an event of war

  3. allowed the president to deport any foreigner

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Sedition Act

(aimed at American citizens not foreigners)

  1. heavy fine or jail sentence for anyone engaged in conspiracies against the government with the intent to defame the government

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Virginia and Kentucky resolutions

adopted by their respective legislatures, this said that the unconstitutional actions of Congress could be overruled by states, and when Congress enacted a law that was obnoxious to one state, the state had the right to nullify it

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Thomas Jefferson-put forth the theory that if the federal government did something unconstitutional then the states could interpose between the federal government and the people and stop illegal actions

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James Madison-if federal government passed an unconstitutional law, the states had the right to nullify it, or declare it invalid (beginning of the states rights arguments)

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