Ch. 32: The Great Depression and the New Deal

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New Deal

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New Deal

maintained a democratic system of government and society in a world threatened by totalitarianism.

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was swept into office on the tide of prosperity and he was swept out by receding depression; Americans blame Republicans for depression → time for party switch.

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Fair Labor Standards Act

Set maximum hours at 44 per week and minimum wage at 25 cents per hour → limited hours so that more people are put on the payroll (first federal minimum wage= 25 cents per hours)

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Roosevelt Cabinet

Included conservatives, liberals, Democrats, Republicans, inflationists, anti- inflationists- often conflicting, compromising, blending ideas.

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Farming Relief (AAA)

  • Subsidies not to grow (but in 1936 Supreme Court will rule it unconstitutional)

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Frances Perkins

Secretary of Labor and 1st woman appointed to a presidential cabinet position.

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Revenue Act

response to Huey Long increased taxes on large incomes and corporations.

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Orson welles

created a radio special called war of the worlds.

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(Coughlin and Long) raised questions about link between fascism and economic crisis.

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CLayton and Wagner Act

important congressional acts which supported the labor movements in this country, SSA + Wagner Act= big ones from FDR's new deal.

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1934: SEcurities and Exchange Commission

_: Regulate stock market to prevent fraud and another crash (Joseph Kennedy) → watching over wall street.

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Entertainment industry

offered people escapism during difficult times.

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Mary McLEod Bethune

Head of the office of minority affairs of the National Youth Administration.

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