4 types of Crime
White collar
Blue Collar
White collar crime
Crime committed by middle/upper class
Blue collar crime
Crime committed by working class
Corporate crime
crimes committed either by a corporation or by individuals acting on behalf of a corporation.
Occupational Crime
Crimes committed by people in the course of their employment or financial affairs
Corporate Crime - Tombs
Argue that corporate crime is under policed and rarely prosecuted. Believes that corporate crime is the worst type of crime, he uses quality of life, money, loss of life and damages to measure this
4 key types of corporate crime identified by Tombs
Financial Crime
Environmental Crime
Crime against employees
Crime against consumers
Mystification of corporate crime - Box
He believes that working class people have been convinced corporate crime is less widespread and less impactful than blue collar crime
Differential association - Sutherland
People learn deviance through interaction, especially with significant others.
De-labelling of crime
Corporate crime is perceived to be less serious, audience are desensitised by corporate crime being made to sound complicated (mystification).